Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wait Till Next Year

We want to say congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks and their fans. It was a tough series and everyone played well. There was plenty of excitement for all of us.
Now have a great summer and the skaters will start again in October. Maybe Mom's very favorite team the Montreal Canadiens will make it to the finals next year.

Now we're going to go jump in the pool and slurp up some watermelon.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Montreal??? Our mom says that funny!

    Sam and Pippen

  2. As much time as spent on the ice as a little girl, the only time I've really enjoyed watching hockey was during the Olympics, probably about 15-20 years ago. I can't figure out what I enjoyed then, so I can't recreate the interest.

    Of course, I also love college basketball and haven't watched a whole pro game since Magic and Michael retired, so maybe I'm just fickle?

  3. Looks like you are very happy
    Benny & Lily

  4. Thanks FUDGE!!!! we are not gloating, but we are happy!

  5. Yep, we watched every game with Dad, had no favorite, just enjoyed some great games!

    The Mad Scots

  6. Watermelon and a swim in the pool will make it all better, Fudge!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. Good sports...congratulations the winners. Our Rhode Island friends were sad, too. But there's always next year.

    Enjoy your splash.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Hmmm...maybe next year with a new coach we'll make it into the finals and win...or lose without another riot starting up over it.

  9. JB wasn't happy about the outcome either. Now he's waiting for football.

    Fudge you are super cute in your bruins shirt. Love it! g

  10. Oh, Ma and I were thinkin' of you guys last night. Sorry. You sure are takin' it better than when Ma's team lost the Superbowl (she was depressed for a week!)
    Well, WallyMelon always makes things better!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Glad to see you've still got your chin up Fudge... that was a TOUGH loss! Did your Mama see the massive list of injuries our Boston Strong boys were playing with? Holy smokes!
