Sunday, July 14, 2013

Catching Up

We've been a bit quiet lately. I haven't had many chances to blog because we have so many other things going on. Some are fun and some, not so much. We decided to let you in on what's happening around here. Let's start with the fun stuff.

I want to share some art work by a talented lady. Her name is Debbie Kendall and she owns a Portuguese Water Dog. So naturally we were immediately interested when she told us about her new piece. Here it is.
Debbie plans to do dog tag prints for other breeds, too but wanted to start with Porties because she loves one. We think she's done an amazing job of putting together so many breed attributes in one piece. She also offers framed pieces.
You can see her work at her site The Enlightened Hound.


Remember this?

It's finished. It was fun to do because of all the bright colors and got me out of my creative funk.
Now I'm designing my next piece. I sat down last night with pencils and graph paper, but I'm spoiled and will instead do my designing on the computer. Much faster! I'm not telling you what I'm working on, so it'll be a surprise when it's done.


A while ago Rob and I thought the little girls, Sydney and Mackie Doodle, needed harnesses. They're pretty small dogs and when they spot a rabbit or squirrel or bird or leaf or imaginary friend, they pull very hard on their leashes and choke themselves. We looked at cute little harnesses in the pet stores but wow, what prices. At that time we didn't know how big they'd get and we didn't want to buy new harnesses each week as they outgrew the old expensive ones.

So, I turned to one of my favorite places Ebay. Yes they had harnesses but the same situation applied. What size to buy. Then I made an incredible discovery. Someone was closing out a pet store and wanted to sell off all the harnesses in one box. The listing said there were 40 pieces, harnesses of different sizes. t sounded good to me and I bid $20 for the box.
When it came there were over 60 pieces, harnesses, collars and leashes. They all are new with tags on. Some are Martha Stewart, the pink and blue ones, and some are Kong and there are other brands.
It was like Christmas. There are some that fit the little girls and some that fit Morgan and the Portie girls. There are collars and leashes to fit the boys, too.
There are some that are too small for our dogs and we'll  donate them to the C.A.R.E. shelter.

In dog news, Sebastian likes his new food and there have been no vomiting episodes from him. We'll check his weight in a couple weeks to see if it's working.
Now for the bad stuff:
The fireworks are still going strong. Last night they were especially loud as we were trying to get to sleep. I'm hoping that tonight may be the end of them for awhile. My dogs are very stressed and several are experiencing some intestinal issues. I've been taking them out every two hours day and night to avoid mopping pens and cleaning crates. I have the four Portie girls on medication for their diarrhea and I've resorted to giving Mac valium at night to calm her. This had better stop soon.
So there you have some of what we've been up to. Fudge tells me he's going to take over the blog if I don't get my act together, so I guess I'd better get to work.


  1. Hmmm, I think I need a new collar when I go out. But when I'm in I go naked ;-)

  2. Great bargains in the Ebay collar store!!!

    Thats an adorable Portie medallion too.

    I am so sorry the punks in your town continue with fireworks. Have you contacted the Sheriff? Seems like their must be a statute for use of fireworks either on the state or county books. See what you can find out (or create one for next year.)

    Cooler here today, no rain yet, and we are all just relaxing and getting over the pounding of thunder, lightning and RAIN.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, who thinks your pansies are just exquisite!

  3. The Portie dog tag art is wonderful. Love her other prints too--especially the "I love you anyway" prints.

    Beautiful job on your project!

    What a haul on Ebay! I've found some great deals there too.

    Glad to hear Sebastian is still doing well on his new food.

    It's crazy that the fireworks are still a problem for you. I would go nuts if we had neighbors like that. Hope you all get some relief once this weekend is over. There must be a creating a disturbance law on the books that would apply here. Have you spoken to local law enforcement people?

    Susan and Wrigs

  4. Wowza, great haul with the collars etc. Well done. The Portie medallion is very very nice. Great detail. Sorry about the fireworks. Here in South Oz no-one can have fireworks unless they get a special licence (I think) so we don't hear much except Christmas when our town puts on a display for everyone. At least we know when and what time etc so we can lock the dogs up. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  5. Fireworks....STILL!!!! Can't believe it.

    We were chuckling at the 60 collars and harnesses and picturing you filling all of them and adding to the pack....BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. LOVE that tag art. I'll be watching for JRT and basset versions.

    What a haul on the harnesses! Gretchen is glad you're keeping plenty for your girls, because she's of the mind that a girl can never have too many fashion options, and heaven forbid she wears a dirty or stained harness.

    And hooray for Sebastian! Sissy still has issues and I don't know if it was a virus that lingers or if she's gotten into something that set off her very delicate system.

    So sorry about the continued fireworks. I think our last "hearing" was on Wednesday.

  7. Oh, that tag art is really FABulous!! I love it!

    Oh, look at that SCORE!!! Wows, it really is like Christmas in July! BOL

    Your needlepoint is amazin'! I love the bright colors too.

    Damn those fireworks! Luckily they've been dyin' down around here (well except last night when Lincecum ~ Giants pitcher ~ got a no-hitter and fans decided to set off a TON of them....arrrrggg!)
    Fingers crossed that your bunch will run out of they're supply soon!

    Ruby ♥

  8. What a horrible shame about the fireworks. July 4th is LONG over! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Your pansy cross stitch is beautiful, Miss Sue! We can't wait to see your next work of art!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Damn those fireworks. I am thinking all kinds of evil revengeful thoughts for you right now.

    What a win on the harnesses and leashes. I love having a selection of "clothes" for the dogs to wear. I admit it is more fun to have the girls look girly. Unfortunately I only have one girl now.

  10. What a neat way to get lots of harnesses! You're really smart. :)

  11. WOW - what an ebay find!!! Great box of goodies!
    LOVE that Portie tag - so cool!
    Gorgeous cross stitch!

  12. What a haul you got on EBay! It is pretty amazing what you can find on there!! Glad all of your pups now have new harnesses!! Those fireworks are awful!! LadyBug is terrified of them.

    Glad Sebastian is eating better and feeling better!
    xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  13. ENlightened Hound did an amazing job!!!

  14. I just love that tag art!

    Stop on by for a visit

  15. $20 would barely buy one harness, let alone a box full! Great work! Brutus hopes his friends shared the box nicely. I love your needlework, and hope the next piece makes you as happy.

    Brutus had another visit from his teacher today, we've improved on potty training and now have direction for poo training, and he had another bath, now that his de-worming medication is finished.

    I'm with Jo and Susan in the idea that calling the authorities might get you some relief. I'm so sorry this nightmare is ongoing for you.
