Wednesday, August 7, 2013


According to my friend Chan, today is 'Lighthouse Day'. OK, I like lighthouses so I'll show you a few that have meaning to me.
First is Selkirk Lighthouse on Lake Ontario near my hometown of Mexico New York. Isn't it strange how we never seem to take pictures of the things closest to us? I used to take my camera on vacations and photograph landmarks, yet I didn't take photos of things in my own hometown. Blogging has changed all that. Now I aim and click on everything.
When we lived in Maryland, we were only about 12 miles from the Concord Lighthouse in Havre de Grace. We would go there often to stroll on the boardwalk and watch the birds.

We also saw the Baltimore Lighthouse in guess where? If you answered Baltimore, pat yourself on the back. Again, no photo. Thank goodness for Google.
One year we took a vacation to Assateague Island so I could see the ponies. I'll tell you about that trip another time, it was fun and we had a very funny experience with the ponies. While hiking thru a mosquito infested area we came upon a lonely lighthouse. It was in need of a paint job, but was really neat.

 I took home a reminder.

When I started my genealogical research I discovered that part of my family was from Rhode Island and are buried in Watch Hill, R.I. This is the Watch Hill Lighthouse.
There is no lighthouse in Myrtle Beach as far as I know which may explain why there is an old shipwreck on the beach. But more about that another time.
Do you have ties to a lighthouse?


  1. Lighthouse Day...hmmmmmm. They must be in your DNA. We don't think we have a single picture of a lighthouse.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Hmmm...You would think living in Florida we'd have all kinds of pics of lighthouses. But...NO!


  3. No ties, just like to look at em!

    The Mad Scots

  4. We love lighthouses. Granny use to collect them
    Benny & Lily

  5. What a fun post! I'm so glad your shared some of the lighthouses in your life. Assateague's may have been the first lighthouse I bonded with, and as many times as I've been to Baltimore, I don't believe I've seen their lighthouse. Shame on me!

  6. Oh Ma loves lighthouses too! Butts, again, no pics! We have one over the hill in Santa Cruz which is really cool. (and it's haunted!! hehehe)
    Ruby ♥

  7. Can't wait to hear about the ponies-always wanted to do that!

  8. Wrigs has never seen/visited a lighthouse (as far as I know), and I've only been to one: Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior's north shore in Minnesota. It's really interesting--visitors can tour the lighthouse building.

    Susan and Wrigs
