Tuesday, October 15, 2013


It's already the middle of October, so I have a couple of reminders for you. The first is don't forget the contest over at Sterling Hill Print Company. You can win a print of your pet, but only if you enter.
Send your favorite photo of your turtle, hamster, pot bellied pig, cat or dog. Any animal can enter from anywhere in the world. The place to send them is 4stringc@gmail.com  Entries need to be in by October 31st to win.

Next reminder is an important one!! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you haven't already had your mammogram, go pick up the phone and make an appointment. Do it today, it's important.

While you're thinking about it, check out your pet. Dogs get breast cancer too. While they think you're giving them a great belly rub, check for any swelling or lumps.
It only take s a couple minutes, they'll love the attention and you could be saving their lives. Do it now.
Now back to enjoying the rest of the month.


  1. SHE always checks when we get belly rubs....we love belly rubs.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Love the wags "badge." It might be what I love best about Dr. D; she's incredibly hands-on, no matter how recently she's seen the dog.

  3. My sissy Cinderella had to have a boob job once because she had a tumor growing on one of her teats! It looked like a Christmas ornament hanging there!

  4. Thanks for the reminders, Sue. Wrigs has so many lumps and bumps that my vet has made a chart (dog anatomy graphic) to keep track as new ones pop up and she aspirates to check for cancer.

    Susan and Wrigs

  5. Woof, I better get a move on coz my hooman is pretty slow lately.

    And talk about tumors, my hooman just had hers removed and recovering. Mine is growing all over my ageing body. It could be fat though ;-)

  6. Thank you very much for this PSA. It IS a very, very important cause. Hope all is well at your house!! xo Chloe and LadyBug
