Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It's too cold!
I actually like winter and I don't mind snow. I grew up with snowy winters. It wasn't unusual to wake up in the morning to a fresh snowfall of three feet or more.  I grew up in Central New York State, both in Syracuse and in Mexico.
Imagine my surprise this morning while sipping my first cup of coffee to see a reporter standing on the street in Mexico, New York discussing the snow and cold.  I think I even glimpsed a shot of my cousin Dorothy's house in the report.
I have a few photos that my cousin Susan took over the past week. She has a cottage on Lake Ontario and that's where some of these are taken.
This one is on the road to the house where I grew up.
Meanwhile back here in Missouri, we're having cold temps as are a lot of you. It's been hard getting the dogs in and out for the last couple days because their feet get so cold they don't want to walk. I can encourage some of them to hurry and come back inside, but Noah and Morgan don't understand. Noah just sits down and cries and Morgan stands still looking pitiful. I've had to wade out and rescue both of them, then rub their feet to warm them up.

 All ten have cabin fever, but the two little girls are driving us all crazy. They want to go out to play and can't seem to find anything to amuse themselves with inside.  I can't wait for the first warm day when I can push them out the door and let them run.


  1. Here, in the UK, even when it is very cold, it isn't as cold as the US is having it at present. Although we are having enough rain to sink us!
    I was able to get Meg out for a walk today.

  2. Maybe you could post the girls and Sebastian to your cousin for a week or so.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. It sure is beautiful and wonderful zoo my weather

  4. OMD....To us Florida pups, those pics look like they were taken on another planet! Yikes!

  5. Oh wow, didn't know there was a Mexico New York. Whew been a lot of snow lately, we missed it, jus paw freezing cold. keep all the puppers safe and stay warm!

    The Mad Scots

  6. As a snow lover, I'm shocked to find myself saying this, but thank goodness we don't have snow. The bitter cold is bad enough, but we managed a bitter mile run yesterday, and pushed it to two today. Even Sissy wore a sweater today.

    I did think of you when I saw Mexico, NY this morning!

  7. Oh yes, definitely been cold here too. Even we didn't linger too long out there yesterday and this morning. But Mom says we are going to have a warmup and RAIN!!! Lots of rain on Friday - and that will mean MUD:( Hope the girls don't drive you all nuts.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. I never knew you grew up near me!! We are in Canandaigua half the year and the other half in Henderson Harbor! I'm sure you know where both of them are!! We sure have had our share of snow and cold this winter...I am already ready to head south!! The weather has been really crazy with wild swings in temperature...from way below zero to the fifties this weekend! Chloe and LadyBug are bored too...they just cannot seem to find enough to amuse them inside...cabin fever I suppose. This weekend we will be able to spend some time outside! Hope the same is true for you!! xo Jeanne and the girlz

  9. Sending you some of our 65 degree temps!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  10. Its just too darn cold for anything, Stella even gets a treat when she goes out to pee.


    JO, Stella and Zkhat

  11. We are so lucky, where we are is one of the few areas in North America where the weather isn't extreme. Thank goodness.

    When we used to live in the far north, when the temp got to -25C (-13 F) (a regular occurrence) we would put fleece booties on the dogs. They are super easy to make, a bit of fleece and velcro. Once you have made a couple, they go together really quick. And even better they dry fast too. There are quite a few sites with directions.

    Then you also have the added benefit of laughing till you can't stand up, watching the dogs walk funny with booties on. I refer you to this video.


    Our dogs would invariably pull one bootie off when outside and then proceed to do the three legged run. Each of them would only do it once, after that, they "got" it, and wouldn't pull them off anymore.

  12. Momma used to live about an hour outside of Syracuse, in Aurora. She said it never got THIS cold while she was there. Brr!!

  13. You might get the warmup tomorrow, because ours is supposed to come on Saturday or Sunday. I've sent Dan out to warm up my car on Tuesday and Wednesday for medical things, because it was just stinkin' brutal. I don't blame the poor dogs for hibernating.
