Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Last Friday we lost one of our friends. Daisy left us.
Daisy lived in Oz with Bella and Roxy. She enjoyed walks and rolling in the grass and wading in any body of water. She really loved hunting for cats.
A little while ago Daisy's peep found a growth in her mouth. The vet said it was the bad kind of growth and he was right. It kept growing and pretty soon it got too big and the options available were all bad ones. So Daisy crossed the bridge.

Over the weekend I noticed that Fudge would stop when he walked by Morgan and sniff her mouth. At first I dismissed it, thinking that he was checking to see if she'd had a treat that he'd missed out on, but yesterday it began to bother me. I went over and opened Morgan's mouth and there was a big nasty looking growth on the inside of her cheek.
I know that I tend to overreact to these sorts of things ever since Samba and Sky died, but with Daisy's illness on my mind, I immediately called Dr B. He had an opening in the afternoon, so Rob and I drove Morgan over to get it checked out.

First he checked out a couple of new bumps that have appeared. One on her shoulder is one of those cysts she gets that fill up, then explode with goop oozing out. It had just exploded, so he cleaned it up and told me to put a compress on it twice a day followed by some medicated ointment.

The next bump was on her belly and felt like a little sac of fluid. He said it was a fatty growth and there was another smaller one close to it. No problem.

Then he looked at her mouth and got 'that look' on his face. He said he had good news and bad news. The good news is that it's benign. The bad news is that it's rubbing on her tooth and won't heal so it needs to come out. This is bad news because Morgan at age 14+ can only have surgery done with a local and operating on her mouth with a local will be very hard to do.

He examined her legs and eyes and ears while he thought about the options. Then we discussed them. We agreed that he would inject a steroid under and behind the growth to try to get rid of the inflammation and shrink it a little so it might heal. Morgan was very good s he injected her. We'll give it a couple weeks to work.
If this doesn't work Morgan will spend the day with Dr B and he'll operate to remove it. He says it may take a long time because he'll only be able to do a little at a time, then give her a chance to relax before doing a little more. It won't be easy and it won't be fun, but he's sure it can be done.
So we all want to thank Daisy for reminding us to pay attention to these little signs and take action before little problems become big ones. We  miss you Daisy.


  1. Bless Daisy making you and others aware and reminding us to watch snd have things checked. Daisy was loved very much. Glad to hear fudge helped alert you to Morgans problem. Will be keeping good thoughts for you all

  2. If we've helped ONE pup, we feel good. We'll keep our paws crossed that the injection works so Morgan doesn't have to undergo an operation.

    We LOVE the heart of daisies...

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. This news sucks. We will be thinking good thoughts for you and Morgan.

  4. We miss Daisy too. Looks like she was looking out for Morgan and telling Fudge to let you know.

    We'll keep Morgan in our prayers and send lots of POTP in your direction.

  5. We too were very sorry about Daisy's passing. She was a real trooper and SHE made the best decision when the time came.

    We hope Morgan will do well with the plan. We worry about Phantom and all his lumps. We know that the one on his tail is likely to burst and removal will be very difficult, first because he will have to be anesthetized and second there will not be enough skin to close the incision. We re all crossing our paws it doesn't burst.

    Very nice daisy heart.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Oh that was a most lovely tribute to Sweet Daisy! I miss her Scottiness so much! And her huntin' kittehs!!hehehe
    Oh, I'll be sendin' you TONS of POTP Morgan!! I knows you'll do well. Good on your MOms for catchin' this before it was an emergency.
    Okays, I'll go tear up some paper towels for you...
    Ruby ♥

  7. Sending you lots of good vibes. And yes, so sad about Daisy
    Lily & Edward

  8. We're grateful to Daisy, too, cuz moms checking us even more than usual. And that means more treats!!


  9. You must thank Fudge for being so aware of this and helping you to find it. I hope your vet is well able to get it out, too.

    We will be waiting to hear how it goes.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. Bless Fudge for alerting you! Our paws are crossed for Morgan and we are sending lots of positive vibes.
    What a beautiful tribute to Daisy. Love the heart of daisies, Miss Sue!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. What a luverly tribute to our dear furiend Daisy. Nice to know dat even after crossin' da bridge her is watchin' over all of us.

    Sendin' boxer puppy prayers to Morgan.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  12. Run free across the bridge, little Daisy.

    And Fudge, thank you for noticing that something was wrong with Morgan.

  13. Hi, we don't think that it's over-reacting. Around here, the philosophy is better to know than not know, so it's off to the vet we go. We're hopeful that all will be okay in time.

  14. Of course you didn't over-react. We're crossing paws that the non-surgical treatment works!
