Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Experiment

Ahh.. March is here at last, the month that ushers in Spring, my favorite season. But something went wrong this time. Last week I was checking our the trees in the back yard to see if there were any signs of budding and there were some early nodules, but not many.
Then this weekend we got hit with grumpy old Winter trying to hang on. The temps took a real dive from 60 one day to 4 the next. That's truly unpleasant. I don't actually mind the snow but we only got a very little of that. The cold I could do without. The dogs are antsy. They want to play outside but this is even too cold for them.

Last Easter Rob gave me these pretty purple tulips. Unfortunately they didn't last long. Tulips are so delicate.
Instead of tossing them out when they died, I stuck the pot on top of my kitchen bookcase. I ignored them as the leaves turned brown and crispy. When the leaves finally dropped off I tossed them but kept the pot of dirt. Once a month, starting in August, I drizzled a tiny amount of water into the pot. Several times Rob asked if I was going to throw out the pot of dirt and I said no, that it was an experiment.

In December I started watering the dirt a little more and in January I started watering it every week when I watered the other plants. And now look what's happening.
The tulips are growing back. I didn't know if the bulbs would grow again in the pot and they can't survive the moles in our yard so this was my grand experiment. Now will they flower?

We still do have some color in the house. My two Christmas Cactus are still flowering.
They started in October and will probably go for another month or two. Ok, we're ready for Spring any time now.


  1. How exciting! We hope your tulips bloom beautifully for you, Miss Sue!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. At least you can have some Spring in your house. We hope those tulips bloom, we can't wait to see them.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. WoooHooo!! I loves it when experiments go right!! I'll keep my paws crossed!
    Those cactus' are FABulous! Ma's outside hanging one is starting to bloom too!
    Yea Spring!!
    Ruby ♥

  4. We're ready too. Sis loves her walkies in the snow, but Gg is not amused.

  5. Mom says the tiniest glimpse of spring would be wonderful about now. Our Christmas cacti are still blooming too, but the flowers don't seem to last as long as the earlier blooming ones.

    We hear there is a big warmup coming this weekend. Our snow is just about gone and Mom is worried about the mud.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. I love spring and seeing new flowers blooming
    Lily & Edward

  7. My Christmas cactus never bloomed.

    I'm ready for spring too, but first, we have to melt the 8" of ice which our snowpack became during last week's thaw. Oh, well, at least it's not mud.

  8. Well send Spring right on over to you :-) x x x

  9. I'm impressed that the tulips you got were still attached to the bulbs! Most around here are always just cut.

  10. Crikey ... I want to see pictures when you have a tulip happening there. We're heading for autumn ... it will be good to be cold .... it's been far too hot this summer although we don't get as cold as youdo. Winter is VERY pleasant here.

  11. That's really cool!! We love to see the flowers blooming again. That is not going to happen here in Upstate NY until maybe June. We need to head south!! Beautiful tulips!! We are all ready for spring!!
