Saturday, March 29, 2014

Reporter Fudge

Hi everybody,

Do you all remember us? It's been a very long time since we've posted because Mom says she's busy with the taxis. We've looked everywhere but we can't find those taxis she keeps talking about. They're not in the garage or in the driveway. They aren't in the yard or on the street. 

Maybe she's taking about these kinds of taxis. She sticks notes on the board in the kitchen with these sharp things, but that doesn't take much time at all. 
Do your peeps ever talk about invisible taxis?

Anyway, here's what's been going on while Mom pretends to play with taxis. She still makes Noah's special food every few days. We told her it wasn't fair that he gets special food every day and the rest of us don't, so she made a big pot of turkey vegetable stew for us. It tastes yummy.
Last week Sebastian was scratching his ears and shaking his head a lot. Mom cleaned his ears but he kept scratching and he started walking around with his head tilted so Mom took him to visit Dr B. Poor Sebastian has a yeast infection in his left ear and Mom puts lots of medicines in there to make it better. Sebastian doesn't like it and tries to hide when he sees the medicine bottle, but we know that he's feeling better because he's not shaking his ears and scratching anymore. The medicine is greasy and he looks pretty funny with his wet greasy ears. He likes to rub his greasy head on Mom's pants and it makes her yell.
Mom finally finished this winter cross stitch picture. She says it took almost as long as winter did. She started it the day after Christmas and didn't finish till the beginning of March, but she did do two other pieces for friends during that same time. Now she's working on something for Spring but I can't tell yet what it is.
A lot of you are posting pictures of flowers but we don't have any yet. Our trees are just starting to leaf out so pretty soon the flowers will be here. So for now that's about all I have to report. Mom promises that she'll be done with her taxis this weekend and we can get back to having fun soon.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. I have a lot of taxis to deal with. I feel Mom's pain.

  2. Our mom finished her taxes a couple of weeks ago so we know all about those and how quiet we had to be while she was working!
    Your mom's winter cross stitch is just beautiful, Fudge!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. At least your mom has a few weeks left to find those taxis.

    Beautiful cross stitch....

    XXXOOO Bella & roxy

    We hate stuff put in our ears. Because we go to the river, SHE's always sticking that cleaning dry out stuff in our ears. SHE sneaks up on us. Poor Sebastian.

  4. Good wishes to Sebastian for getting over his ear infection. I saw a cute photo of a dog, looked like S., laying in bed, on a pillow, covers up and saying "Will you tell me about when you rescued me again?"

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  5. Well Fudge, Sebastian does look sad with his greasy hair but he'll be better soon. My mom said to tell your mom that's some pretty nice stitching. We've missed you all btw.
    Your buddy,

  6. The taxis are gone here until next year, and we're glad about that!

    I hope that Sebastian's ear is better. Our vet does 'infusions' of the ear medication that last a couple of weeks, so I don't have to remember and catch an unwilling victim, I mean dog! :-)!!!

    And a lovely cross-stitch! I've not done one in many years, and I should, I always love the finished project!!

    Hope you all have a good Sunday! :-)

  7. Fudge, I was supposed to work on taxis this weekend... but it hasn't happened yet. Be good and patient with your mom; taxis are NOT fun, not at all.

    That cross stitch is stunning.

    Neither of my girls like ear stuffs. Sissy is even better about her... butt spray (for her bum irritated by all the dragging in the name of anal gland purging) than about just WIPING her ears!

  8. We finally finished up with our taxes and are glad that they are DONE!! The cross stitch is absolutely gorgeous!! Very beautiful!! Hang in there and you will be back to blogging on a regular basis in no time!!

  9. Great job of reporting Fudge! Beautiful cross stitch mom made...lotta work in that! Yeasty ears. Yuk.. Glad they are getting better. Yum on that turkey vegetable stew...

  10. We haven't seen any flowers yet either Fudge... just MUD, and yucky dirty snow.
