Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dad's Day

Today is Father's Day and guess what? I'm a father. Who knew? All these pesky Porties around here are my kids and I'm their father.
When they were little pups I didn't pay much attention to them because they were all over the place with those sharp teeth. Now they're all grown up and mostly they're my friends. Noah and I have some things to work out but then the relationship between fathers and sons can be tricky sometimes, you know.

But my girls, that's another story. I like my girls. We play together sometimes and are pretty good friends. My girls are tough, too. If I try to push them around or steal their toys, they don't let me get away with it. They'll chase me and nip at my butt.

But guess what I found out today! My kids love me, even though I may not have been the best father. My daughter Gracie sent my picture and some info about me to a national magazine because it's Father's Day. 
The magazine won't be out till next month, but I'll be in it. Can you believe it? My kid wants to see me in a national magazine!
I knew I was meant to be famous!
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Happy Father's day, Fudge!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. Oh exciting!

    We know you and your human dad got lots of attention for Father's Day.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  3. Happy Father's Day, Fudge! And Rob, too, because he's a great Dad to all of you!

  4. We hope you share the article with us, Fudge! Happy Father's Day to you!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Loved your post dad.Going hiking in Colorado today. Love Gracie
