Friday, July 18, 2014

Just Like Home

We took the week off because we've been under the influence of a 'polar thingy'. Ok, I know that's not the official name of it, but it was several day and nights of unseasonably cool weather. It felt wonderful!!! Instead of day in the high 90s or 100s and nights in the high 80s, we had days in the 70s and night in the 50s. It was just like the summers I remember in Central New York where we could actually go outside during the day and enjoy it. Sadly, it's coming to an end and miserable high temps are expected starting this weekend, but it was sure great while it lasted.

We'll show you how we spent our week. First there were ball games with the new ball and our soccer ball. Mom couldn't find it during the big soccer tourney because I had hidden it, but it showed up this week.

 It was the perfect time to try out the new ball that Chewy sent us. Now how did Mr Andrew know that we love Glow Balls?
 Dad decided to throw the frisbee for us and Mackey really got into  action.  Look at her run!
She even brought it back to be thrown again, which is a new development. She usually just plays 'keep away' with it.

Mom says Mac is too fat and needs to lose a few pounds, so this was really good exercise  for her.
We took a look at the few remaining flowers in the yard. The butterfly bush has a lot of visitors. 
Mom keeps telling Norma Jean not to go crashing thru the bush and Dad tells her not to chew on his dwarf tree. Gee, a girl can't have any fun.
 These are pretty flowers, Mom, if Norma Jean doesn't sit on them.
We all ran around the yard just because it felt good.
Sometimes we just relaxed in the grass and enjoyed the sunshine.

Then we had the most fun of all. Mom turned on the hose. 
She filled the pool and we couldn't wait to jump in. We can't all fit in the pool at the same time so we have to take turns.


Where's Sebastian during this? He's staying as far away from the water as he can get. He's hugging the door.
What a great week it was!
 Your pal, Fudge


  1. We can tell by those happy Waterdog faces what a great week it's been.

    We've been having highs at about 50°f, and lows of -2°C, SHE's been freezing. We love it!

  2. Well Fudge we been missing you guys, so glad you had great weather, so have we, record low high temps, like 64 one day, now the heat is coming back Sunday. Looks like the whole bunch was in party mode except Mr No Water Please!

    The Mad Scots

  3. OMD!!! What FUN!!! Mac, I likes playin' keep away too! I likes to see Ma TRY and catch's HILARIOUS!!
    I am so glads you guys had a FABulous week, with FABulous weather!! You guys deserve it.
    Nows, where is that soccer ball....
    Ruby ♥

  4. We have your temps right now and it's pure heaven for July!
    You guys are having an awesome week. Look at those smiles!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. I thought you guys might be enjoying the polar vortex. Looks like you were all very happy pups. I do love the picture of Sebastian hiding from the pool. Hope it isn't too miserably hot next week. Maybe Mom will take some of you to the lake?

  6. We're enjoying the cooler weather too. Shame it's going to come to an end.

    Our butterfly bush was too aggressively pruned by a certain man around here, so thanks for letting us admire yours.

  7. Mac loved that frisbee because it matches her!! What a great week you all had!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  8. Gosh Mom, couldn't we get a bigger pool?
    Sadly, we have had your heat here in Portland and the humidity has been so terribly miserable for me that all I do is stay inside for the most part. Supposedly next week we will return to "normal". We shall see.

  9. Look at all that FUN being had... and we were pleasantly surprised by a nice few days here with much lower humidity, however the stickiness is coming back... ick.
