Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's Here!!!

Hi Everybody,
Remember back about 87 weeks ago when it was Father's Day? I told you how my favorite daughter, Gracie,  and her Mom gave me a special Dad's Day gift. They sent my picture and bio to a real magazine.
Well, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. I've been very patient. The rest of the pack has been helping me wait. Today Sebastian told us when the mailman was here.
Morgan says today might be the day.
Mom went to the mailbox and guess what!! It's here!!!!!
The magazine is here.  The Courier is the official magazine of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America and I'm in it.
Hurry Mom, find the page with me on it.

There I am.
In case it's too little for you to read on your computer, I'll tell you what it says.

Deerpark's Chocolate Legacy RN

Handsome, confident, chatty, competitive, a lady's man, proud father of nine, lapdog, foot-warmer,
Fudge is my loyal best friend and partner.

Owner Sue Wilcox-Hall
DOB 02/14/05   GM-1 nor   OFA - 4778F24M-PI
OptiGen nor   CERF not current

Mom, What does it say in that little heart in the corner?
It says veteran. That means you're nine years old. When a Portie turns nine, he become a veteran. When you get to be 14 years old, you'll be an ancient mariner.
Ancient mariner sounds a little insulting to me.

No Fudge, It's just a term the Portie peeps use.

Look Mackey, I'm in a magazine.
Thanks Gracie and J for doing such a nice thing for me. You know I was born to be famous and you've made it possible.
Your famous pal, Fudge


  1. WOWZERS Fudge!! Will you still talk to us??

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. Hooray for a famous pal! You should offer pawtographed copies to all your Portie friends!

    I'm reading a book where a lady has a whole herd of standard poodles. Their behavior reminds me of you guys. It is making me laugh.

  3. Oh how exciting!!! You're a real star now, Fudge.

  4. Oh Fudge, the shine from your star is BLINDING!!!! Can I borrow your shades??!
    That is just pawsome Fudge!! I KNEW you were a star from the furst moment I saw you, butts now everyone knows!!
    CONGRATS dude!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: will the rest of the pack feed you kibble bits one by one? bol

  5. That's so VERY exciting! And of course, we spotted you right away. Congrats on getting just some of the recognition you deserve!

  6. How pawesome is that, Fudge!!!! Congrats - we are so proud to know a star:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Wow so exciting! New know a real celebrity! Great star glasses...
    Ernie and the furkids

  8. That's right, Fudge - you wear those star shades, buddy, because you are THE MAN!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. OMD OMD OMD! I know a real celebrity!! Are you busy pawtographing copies?!

  10. Oh, how very cool is this Fudge... now you're even MORE famous than we already knew you were! We are LOL about the "chatty" part of your bio...... :)

  11. How cool and unique is that!
    Lily & Edward

  12. Oh Fudgeman! This is such a big deal!

    You will probably get movie offers, a television series, who knows where it all might end. Me, I am just gonna have my Mom read the paper to me everyday, until there is an article about you in it!

    Cheers for you,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. Big congratulations Fudge for making the right kind of news... hey can I have your paw o graph luv's Cat Flap Cavalier X
