Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wishes Do Come True

Hi Everybody,
It happened! It snowed and it's still snowing.
Look at this, the ground is all white.
It's great for snow zoomies.
The trampoline is covered.
Even the pool is full of snow.
We're all having lots of fun.
And best of all, Mom sees lots of snow faces that make her smile.
Your pal, 


  1. See, we told you more was coming. We got a bit more too, but it was only another 20 flakes:( Enjoy.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. We are just loving your snowy faces! You lucky dogs!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. We told you some would be coming, too. Looks like You are having a fantastic time!

    Now Porties, we've been thinking. We think you are being cheated because most of you have the same birthday which is also your Gotcha Day! We think you should each have a separate month for your own celebration. Just a thought.

  4. OMD!!!! Lookie at all the fun you guys had!!! I do loves seein' your snow faces too!!! Hey, do some snow zoomies for me, huh?!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Even Mac and Syd are now big enough to really enjoy the snow zoomies! Glad you guys are having such fun!

  6. Happy snow playing.... we're getting lots of cold rain here today!

  7. Wow, where did the two pups go to ?
    Haven't they grown bless them.
    Looks like you all had great fun guys, but my mum said, you can keep your snow your side of the pond.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  8. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm staying inside with the heater on high, cuddled under my blankie.

  9. I love the snowy faces. There's a chance we'll have some tomorrow. Sissy and Gretchen are sending up competing hopes and wishes...

  10. Oh snow faces are precious! I love them. Looks like Syd and Mac have gotten quite tall! Hope they are behaving a bit better as they mature. g
