Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Time To Vote

It's here! The big day when we all get to vote is here. In case anyone forgot, I'm running for Subaru Spokesdog 2015.
Here's what you do. go to   or here.
Use key word 'Spokes Dog'
Then you vote for me, Fudge.

There will be lots of other dogs there, but don't be fooled, none of them have my public experience. I'll bet they don't have a blog, OK share a blog, and most of them probably haven't got my dog show experience. All that stuff makes me a perfect candidate for Spokes Dog. Besides that, my Dad drives a Subaru, so I have personal experience with the product.
So don't forget, you can vote every day thru January 4th.

Thanks everybody,
Your pal, Fudge


  1. We just registered and voted! Mommy kept the link on her desktop so she can vote again!

    Good Luck, Fudge!

  2. We voted for you, Fudge ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly
