Friday, January 16, 2015

Hiber what?

Hi everybody,

I had a talk with Mom this morning and told her it's been a very long time since we posted to our blog. She told me to go play quietly because we're hibernating.  
What does that mean? She said it's been very cold and dark so we all just need to be quiet and sleep a lot and store up energy for Spring.

That's crazy, Mom. We're dogs, we don't hibernate. We run around like mad and chase squirrels and bark a lot and roll in the mud and all that good stuff. Bears hibernate, not us. Well, maybe some of us do, but that's just not normal.
So I jumped on her and licked her and pushed her out of her chair. I told her we have important things to do, including attending to our blog.

But first and most important is this box that got delivered the other day. We need to open this, test the treats inside and let all of Blogville know how they taste. Let's get moving, woman!
Your pal, Fudge


  1. You do need to get that box open. I have to say, though, that it looks like Sebastian is good with the whole hibernation thing.

  2. Not to open a box immediately that contains good stuffs from Chewy is just unheard of!
    You look adorable resting on your bed inside the tunnel, Sebastian ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Hey, wait a minute you left us hangin' here. What's in the box?

    We hibernate in hot weather...

  4. Howdy Mates, hibernating?? Nah. No way. You need to run around to keep warm don't ya. I, Rory have been trying to run around after my cousin Tyler. Mum loves it. She yells and dances around calling my name and telling me to slow down. It's hilarious I tell ya. Take care mates. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella

  5. Chloe has figured out that it is possible to CHEW the box open all by herself!! BOL!!

  6. Oh hotdog, a box from Chewy. Better get your mom moving there...

  7. I'm hibernating too, but the girls aren't! Sissy's a highly social creature and needs lots of adventure in her life. Gg needs lots of exercise, but otherwise, is delighted to stick to me like glue.

    We owe a Chewy review too.
