Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dr Seuss

We missed the birthday celebration for Dr Seuss the other day. Mom didn't have it on the calendar. We like his books because of the silly rhymes. 
So In honor of Dr Seuss, we asked Mom to write a silly rhyming poem for us to post. Here's what she came up with and remember, we love her but she's no Dr Seuss.

What makes you happy?
A puppy that's yappy?

A tiny grey kitten?

A wooly red mitten?

A soft summer shower?

A peach tree in flower?

 A spin on a bike?

A long nature hike?

 A nap by the fire?
 A breezy kite flyer?

A fluffy white cloud?

 Playing music real loud?

No answer is wrong.
We each sing our own song.

The best thing for me
 A warm head on my knee.

With soft liquid eyes

So gentle and wise.

 A dog's love is the best.

You can keep all the rest.

Happy birthday Dr Seuss.


  1. Aaawwww! We love your mom's poem!!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. Well done, Mom, and so very true!!!

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. Great poem in the Dr's tradition...and with a true, thoughtful ending. Love it!

  4. Your mom is a good poet in the tradition of Dr. Seuss, and she's got some great inspiration for her writings!

  5. Brilliant poem, Miss Sue!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. tell Mom she did a good job!

    The Mad Scots

  7. I love your Mom's poem, she is good at sooo many things!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and zkhat
