Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Damp Days

Hi Everybody

Did you all have a nice long weekend? It rained here quite a lot, but there were no thunder boomers, so it wasn't too bad. We all had to hurry when we went outside because we got soaked pretty fast but that's OK.

Mom was lazy this weekend. She just hung around the house and watched hockey. She did take care of Morgan and Bailey, so I guess that counts. Morgan is doing really well for a crabby old lady dog. She goes outside and wanders around the yard, even in the rain. Mom gets soaked, ha ha..... Morgan has decided that she doesn't like to eat in the morning but boy, can she pack it away at night. Mom feeds her kibble by hand, then tops it off with an Ensure milkshake. We just stand there and drool.
Bailey is feeling a lot better too. Her temperature is back to normal and she's walking a lot better. Her right leg is a little stiff but the really bad pain is gone. The doctor says she has to have two more weeks of bedrest, so as soon as she goes outside on leash, she has to get back into her crate and rest her back. She doesn't seem to mind but by next week I  bet she's making a fuss about it.

Last Saturday was World Turtle Day and Mom was hoping to celebrate, but she got off track because of Bailey, so pretty soon we'll do a nice turtle post to salute the guys with shells.
You all know how much I love sprinkles. I like them on cupcakes and cookies and dog biscuits and I think it would be great if Mom put sprinkles on my dinner. Well, I guess I'm not the only one who likes them. Dad found this picture on Facebook. He and Mom laughed but I didn't see what was so funny.
Till next time, stay safe and dry.
Your pal, Fudge


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We laughed at those sprinkles (called Hundreds and Thousands here), too!

Okay, Rain and porties....we think they go together. You should be out racing around like lunatics. BOL! But we know humans aversion to WET DOGS (except for baths...yuck.) Hope you can all be out running in the mud soon.

Good news about Bailey. And we think Morgan can be as crotchety as she likes. An Age Perk.

Duke said...

That last photo totally cracked us up, Fudge! haha

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Yep...what donut...don't see one anywhere....stay dry guys....don't get washed away.....we think we are sliding down into Texas on that way to the gulf...it's getting kinda deep!

The Mad Scots

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that sprinkled snooter made us laugh.

Oh yes, lots and lots of rain here too,and the yard is super soggy with lots of muddy spots. But today was a nice sunny, windy, nice temp sort of day. Rain will be back soon:(

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Two French Bulldogs said...

That wet stuff makes every buddy lazy
Lily & Edward

Lapdog Creations said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing well! We could really use some rain...

Marjie said...

I'm glad there were no boomies to scare you. I hope you get a dry day soon, so you can go romp and play. At least the rainy days help Bailey want to stay in bed.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Glad that everything is good down your way.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Donuts are good eats. Your rain just got here. It is wet