Monday, June 29, 2015

To S or Not To S, That Is The Question

Fudge is a doofus. This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone, I've mentioned it a number of times. He's not a doofus 24 hours a day, but at times, there's no other word that better describes him.
 I've discovered that the doofus gene can be inherited. Guess how I learned that. Right, several of his pups can at times qualify for doofus status. Which brings me to the big question. What is the plural of doofus?
 Some words are easy.
One cat

Several cats.

One house

Several houses.

Just add S.

Some words are trickier.
One mouse

Several mice.

One louse

Several lice.

So, why not one spouse

Several spice?

That didn't work too well.

How about one goose

Several geese.

So why not one moose

Several meese?

 The English language seems to break more rules than it keeps.

So back to the plural of doofus. I vote for doofi.


  1. I immediately thought of "doofi," but I've heard people say "doofuses" too. However, Doofi sounds more learned. I'd stick with that.

  2. We were going to say Doofi as well. English is such a crazy language. SHE, a former teacher, always says when people comment that kids can't read, that she's always surprised that they can!

    We occasionally have the doofus problem here, too.

  3. BOL oh my! Did you hear your momma!
    Lily & Edward

  4. Very entertaining post:) Mom is a word geek too. She says doofi works like octopus/octopi, but she actual found a plural form of octopous, so doufous???

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. We gotta go with doofi! Thankfully, only Otto is a doofus here. Ruby is just a little old lady dog :-)

  6. Doofi sounds perfect to us☺
