Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mr Determination or Don't Tell Me I Can't Do It

Last night I had a long conversation with Dr B. We discussed Fudge's condition, his possible recovery and how to help him thru it. He told me not to expect too much for about 21 days, to protect the dragging foot and basically just wait and see. He said we could hope for an 80 - 90 % recovery.

We both underestimated Fudge's determination and strong personality.
Soon after the talk with his vet I took Fudge outside. When we got down the steps he started doing a strange little walk. It was step, step, drag, drag, step step, drag, etc. He was trying to walk on the bad foot and partially succeeding. When I brought him inside again, I went to get him a cookie and with no help he had climbed onto the couch. He slept there all evening.

This morning when we went out he did the same funny walk around the front yard, then he looked up at me and balancing on his bad leg, he lifted the other leg to pee.  He was so very pleased with himself that he tried a silly little one legged kick back of the grass while balancing on his bad leg. When we got to the five front steps, he was able to lift the damaged leg up by himself and needed no help.

This boy wants to rejoin the activities of the pack and he's absolutely determined to overcome his disability. He's a bright light at the end of a couple very dark weeks. I now feel that he will manage to overcome this and we'll have our doofus back sooner than any of us thought.


  1. We think he got that determination from his human Mom:) So good to hear this report.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom

  2. Oh, we hope so. We hope he'll be back to his doofus self Very soon! Here's to the 80-90% recovery!

  3. GO FUDGE!!! You'll be spinning again in no time!! We love you!

    -Ruby, Otto and mom

  4. Yay, Fudge! We are turning up the healing vibes - go for broke, Fudge! We're pullin' for ya, buddy!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Joy!!! That makes me misty-happy, so I can only imagine how you must feel. Go, Fudge, go!

  6. Looks like Fudgie is indeed getting his strength from your support, too. Go Fudgie! You are all cheering you on. We're here with you dear friend!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  7. Wonderful news! I remember how happy I was the first time I found Zeus had climbed up onto the couch while recovering from Vestibular Disease. There was no better feeling in the world.

    Good boy Fudge... you're a stubborn, old happy man... just like Zeus was. <3
