Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas At The Bridge

It's always so hard to say goodbye to one of our fur friends, but yesterday was an especially sad day as we said goodbye to two of them.

In the morning we heard that Rising Sun Short better known as Sunny left for the bridge. Sunny was, I believe, around 14 years old and had been thru and beaten some very serious illnesses. She was a super girl who did many activities with her people but her very favorite was swimming. We'll all miss her.

In the evening we learned that another special friend had departed for the bridge. This time it was Frankie de Tabby. Frankie was a special guy who ruled the cottage in England where he lived. He was especially good at training puppies to be good citizens. I think Frankie was actually a tiny person in a cat suit and I will miss seeing his sarcastic posts on his blog. Frankie was almost 21 years old and has earned a permanent place in our hearts. Rest in peace, little man.


  1. So sad even more so at the time of holidays. We wondered about Fankie yesterday but were hoping that was not the case. Soft woos and gentle hugs to the families.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  2. It always makes us sad when animals have to go to the bridge. We know they leave a big empty space in hearts and homes.

  3. So sweet, Sue! Never thought about it until now, but that picture looks like she's heading to the bridge and turning back to look at me...

  4. We think that the circle of life is way over-rated. Peace to all. Hi Sue. We like you and Fudge and the rest of the pack.

  5. We are so sorry to hear this. What a terrible time to lose a loved one

  6. Our hearts go out to Sunny's family and Frankie de Tabby's family. Losing your furkids is devastating. Hugs all around♥

  7. So very sorry... a nearby friend who lost 2 of her dogs this year just lost one of her goats overnight. It's been a very rough 2015 for so many..... but apparently there's a BIG party on The Bridge. :(

  8. It's a hard time of year to suffer such a loss. My condolences to the families of Sunny and Frankie.

  9. HOwdy Mates. That so sad. We send sincere sympathy to their families.
    No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory
