Monday, December 28, 2015


Here's a holiday riddle for you. What do you get when you combine a well used back yard and 13 inches of rain?

Answer: an Olympic sized mud pool.
Yes, it's been raining for days here in Missouri and I don't mean a nice gentle rain, I mean continuous cloudbursts accompanied by thunder and lightning. As you can imagine I have some rather unhappy dogs who at times have to be dragged out the door to take care of business.
So what does one do with nine restless, unhappy, damp dogs?
  Lots of treats.

 I know the whole country is having weather issues, so I won't whine about our rain. We're safe and warm and mostly dry and sending wishes that all of you are also safe and warm.


  1. Oh my dawg! We think it's called a headache
    Lily & Edward

  2. We hope the mud freezes soon! At least you have lots of treats to keep you happy!

  3. We had lots of rain the other day, but it has been so dry, it all went underground quickly....hardly any mud. We know what mud and fuzzy feet are like, so our sympathy is coming your way. Crazy weather everywhere.

  4. That's a lot of mud! It's been raining/snowing all day and now melting. I think it will be all mud by tomorrow. Yuck.

  5. OY! Otto would be sitting crosslegged because he HATES rain. We're cold, but dry for the most part. Keep the treats flowing!!

  6. Hi, okay you guys win. Maybe you could put all the kids in a car and go for a drive. Or maybe not. We hope that the rain stops for you soon.

  7. Ugh... well, we went from 70 degrees on Christmas to snow and ice today. I hope you don't wind up with an Olympic sized ice rink...
