Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How I Spent My Birthday by Sebastian

Yesterday was my estimated fifth birthday. When I found this home, my new parents took me to see Dr B for a checkup. He estimated my age and counted backwards and came up with January 4th as my official birthday. At this house we celebrate all birthdays, so mine is the first one each year. I'll tell you all how I spent my day yesterday.
We got up at the usual time in the morning and Mom took us downstairs to eat breakfast. She makes a good breakfast and I cleaned my bowl. Then I licked out Fudge's bowl but he didn't leave anything but a little flavor. 
Then, after a trip outside, we went up to the kitchen where I waited while Mom got our meds together. I take vitamin B complex, B12, tumeric, fish oil and Reglan. I have something called acid reflux and Reglan stops it so that I don't get sick and lose my breakfast.
Then I caught a little snooze while Mom and Dad ate their breakfast. I have to stay near them because we each get a slice of banana when they're finished eating.
After that it was time for my morning nap.
Dad took us outside to play for awhile.
  Then it was time for my early afternoon nap.
At our 2:00 outing we had my birthday party. See these cupcakes that Dad bought for me? Fudge says they're the good kind because they have lots of sprinkles.
Mom said it was party time so we all watched the door for the arrival of Dad with the little cakes.
 He handed them out.
 Then he let me lick up all the extra sprinkles that were in the box. Fudge was right.That guy knows all about sprinkles.
After the party I was hoping dad and I could make a little trip to McDonalds for French fries like last week, but Mom said not today. MoDonalds makes great fries. Instead I took my late afternoon nap till dinner.
I had a special birthday dinner, some duck pate on my kibble. It was wonderful.

After we all ate and while Mom and Dad ate, I took a little nap.
Mom went into her office to do some computer stuff and I went with her and rested under the desk.
Mom and Dad watched some TV during the evening and we all napped.
Then it was time for yogurt and bed. Wow, it was an exhausting day.
Mom had the audacity to tell Dr B that she thought I was lazy. He said she was just used to Portie energy and that I was a normal dog. So there!


  1. OMD!!!!! Happy Happy Happy Burthday Sebastian!!!! OMD, you gots the sprinkle CUPCAKES??!!! OH MAN!!! I always picture myself in line with all of you (nobody would notice another black and tan, right??☺) gettin' one of those most FABulous cupcakes!!!! I dream of those cupcakes....ahhhhh
    Oh, anyhu, I wanted to say, I loves your special day, and Ma wishes that I would nap more too....
    Ruby ♥♥
    pees: I wanted to tell you all Happy Happy New Year!!!! I hopes you guys had a FABulous holiday!!!!

  2. That was a great birthday. We were thinkin' sprinkles as soon as we saw that there was a birthday at your house! We think we may have to go have a nap now, too.

  3. Oh Sebastian!! Food and naps! Perfect birthday plans!! Happy New Year!


  4. WOW, what a totally fangtastic barkday!!

  5. Looks like you had a blast
    Lily & Edward

  6. Happy, happy birthday! Looks like it was perfect!

  7. Happy birthday Sebastian, it sure seemed like a great day for you.

  8. It sounds like you had the post perfect day to us, Sebastian! Happy Birthday!

  9. Sounds like you had a pawesome birthday Sebastian! Happy, Happy!

  10. Well, Happy Birthday, Sebastian! This sounds like a perfect day to me! Tell Mom dogs need a lot of naps. Adventure Beagle will back you up on this one.
