Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Norma Jean Discovers Westminster

Last night after everyone was fed and settled in for the evening, I sat down to watch the Westminster Dog Show. Mackey was snuggled into the blanket at my feet and Norma Jean took her favorite spot on the corner of the couch opposite me. She usually keeps her eyes on me till she falls asleep from boredom. But last night she happened to look over at the TV.
She sat there for a few minutes watching the dogs parade around the screen, then I heard a low growl and she raced over to check things out. The photo quality isn't great, I was using my Kindle as it was the only camera that was handy.
Where did all those strange dogs come from and why were they in our living room?
Mac looked up to see what was disturbing everyone.
Norma Jean refused to settle down again and paced around the room, always going back to check on the dog show.
 I think she picked her favorite here.
 Norma Jean picked the Great Pyrenees  and I picked the Borzoi. We were both wrong. The winner was a gorgeous German Short Haired Pointer.
 Congrats from Norma Jean and me.


  1. So cute! That's a good show you were watching
    Lily & Edward

  2. We can't watch TV shows with dogs in them because Hailey goes crazy! I am sure Norma Jean's pick was a good one, even if not the winner.

  3. My Great Dane watches TV. Crazy. You have a beautiful dog. That German Pointer is beautiful. We had one growing up. They are very smart.

  4. Bwahaahaa! Bella loves TV. We put it on Dr Harry (the Vet) every morning for her. But she watches most things when the telly is on. SHE and Bella would have loved watching the Westminster...

  5. BOL!!! Oh gurl, you did pick a good one! Butts I slept through it! Can you believes it??! Ma was all disappointed the Airechick didn't do betters, butts she had MY ears goin' on, so the snobby judge probably didn't likes that. :(
    I only bark at the TV when I hears other doggies barkin'...or whistling....I don't likes the whistling...
    Ma did LOVES the winner though! He is very handsome indeed! Ma saw him on GMA, and he almost knocked Michael Strahan overs to gets that cheese! hehehehe
    Ruby ♥

  6. We were sound asleep while our peeps were watching Westminster. Good for you for watching, Norma Jean!

  7. Too cute! :) Penny loves the new Subaru commercials.

  8. That's funny. Thor never cared for the dog show, but he and Brutus both sat at attention for the Star Spangled Banner.
