Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Easiest Review

Thia may be the easiest product review I've ever written, because we love this product. We were first introduced to FortiFlora several years ago when our whole pack was suffering with a cryptosperidium infection. Those of you who were following us at that time remember the months of sickness we went thru ending with the deaths of Samba and Sky and leaving my other three boys with permanent intestinal damage. It was a terrible time.

One of the symptoms of crypto is diarrhea, really horrible constant diarrhea. I contracted crypto myself on my trip to Russia in 1984. It causes almost unbearable stomach cramps followed by explosive diarrhea. This happens every time you eat anything. The bacteria almost instantly go to work on whatever food you've taken in and the cramps start immediately. Mine was caused by contaminated water and though we don't know exactly how my dogs got it, it may also have been from water.

 Our vet introduced us to FortiFlora to try and combat the diarrhea. It wasn't successful for the very sickest dogs, but for the others it certainly did help them. Once the remaining pack was healthy again, my boys still had some intestinal issues and stools were frequently soft. Again I turned to FortiFlora and it helped a great deal.

FortiFlora is a probiotic supplement that contains guaranteed levels of Enterococcus faecium SF 68. It contains antioxidant vitamins E, C and beta-carotene, helps reduce flatulence and aids in managing diarrhea.
 Best of all, IT WORKS!!!!

When one of my dogs has a less than acceptable stool, I start them on ForitFlora at the next meal. Even if all dogs are feeling fine, once a week each dog gets it for maintenance.

A box of FortiFlora contains 30 individual packets. Each packet contains a measured amount of brown granular powder.
 I just sprinkle it on top of the dog's food and they eat it right up. I don't need to mix it in, they love the taste and they all get excited when they see me reach for the box.
I have recommended FortiFlora to more people than I can remember. Dogs like it and IT WORKS. It also come in a formula designed for cats.

If you have a gassy doggie or if you don't like the looks of his stool, try FortiFlora. This stuff is great. How often do you find a product that they like and it also does what it says it does. Win-win.

When chewy offered this as a review choice this month, I jumped on it because in this house we're believers. Chewy sent us a full box of FortiFlora for dogs at no cost to us in exchange for our honest review.

Order some next time you order dog food. Use it as a maintenance probiotic and keep some on hand for tummy upsets. Your dog will thank you.


  1. Tank has issues sometimes. I will recommend this to Jeffrey.

  2. Mom needs to check into this. It sounds wonderful! Thanks for the great review, guys!

  3. SHE got that once! It IS horrible. We'll need to check that out. Sounds good.

  4. Thanks for the information. We might have to try this out.

  5. I had no idea Chewy carried FortaFlora! Otto takes it every morning. He had some serious tummy troubles right after Ruby went to the bridge, and it's just part of his regimen now. The other thing we've found that really helps with tummy issues are charcoal treats: I just sent you the link. Charcoal absorbs all sorts of stuff. I take probiotics, too! Me and Otto are in this together! Glad the Forta-Flora works with your pack as well!

    -Otto's mom

  6. We've used this more times than I can count. We also used it for our foster kitty. Added to that, we of course always add yogurt, pumpkin, and uncooked oats -- Anything to help "absorb" what's in that upset tummy. --I also added raw goats milk for one of the dogs and our foster kitty, that also helped to get the good bacteria back in there.

  7. We've been using FortiFlora for years! We always keep some on hand for when issues pop up, but since Tut's pancreatic issues, he gets it daily now.
