Monday, September 19, 2016

B. L. A. P. Day

Ahoy, me Hearties! Today is B.L.A.P. Day, also known as Bark Like A Pirate Day.
Let's face it, folks, we dogs, and kitties, too, are all pretty good at languages. We're totally better than you peeps. We speak and understand Dog and Cat and also understand peep language, whatever it may be. In our house the peeps speak mostly English and we know what they're saying a lot more often than they think we do. We also speak body language really well. Think about it, we can tell you when we need to go outside or when we're hungry without even making a sound.

One language that I don't speak very well is Pirate.  But then, who do you know who does speak pirate well?
This year Mom asked me if I wanted to dress as a pirate for this day. I told her no. It's not that I don't enjoy getting dressed up now and then, but I'm eleven years old now and pretending to be a pirate isn't one of my favorite things.
Mom wanted to celebrate the day in some way, I don't know why, so she brought out this guy. This is Captain Jack Rabbit. Mom made him a couple years ago and now he lives in the guestroom.
She thought he needed a pal, so last week she knitted up this guy, Jolly Roger Rabbit. 
They look pretty good together, don't they?
 Even though Captain Jack has a tiny parrot on his shoulder, Mom thought they needed another parrot, so she knitted up Pretty Polly Pirate Parrot. She even made a little pirate hat for her.
So everybody enjoy Talk or Bark or Meow Like A Pirate Day.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Captain Jack and Jolly Roger and Pretty Polly are just adorable but we have to say that we love your cute snooter and sweet face best, Fudge!

  2. Oh Fudge... you make the cutest pirate ever!

  3. OMD, Jack, Jolly, and Polly are totally pawesome!!

  4. Your Mom is pretty clever; all of her pirate friends are really cute! You should really appreciate them, because they mean you don't have to dress up! Now I"ll have to figure out what to gove the boys tonight to celebrate BLAP Day!

  5. Love those knitted pirates! Bet you pups aren't allowed to play with them though.

  6. OMD, your Moms KNITTED THAT??!!! Wooooweeeee! Ma couldn't knit a scarf! I am really impressed!!! I would likes to put in my order for a big fat Airechick, with a funky ear!
    FABulous talk like a pirate day! Ma forgots all abouts it...sigh
    Ruby ♥
