Monday, September 5, 2016

Goodbye Summer

Mom told us that today is Labor Day and that it marks the unofficial end of summer. The last few days have felt like Fall, they've been cool and sunny and wonderful for furry dogs. Today is a little too hot, but we know that cool weather is coming.
 After breakfast we overheard Mom and Dad talking about an end of summer party. Now, we LOVE parties. What would we have, cupcakes, maybe?

Nope, we all got sent outside to wait while Mom and Dad were doing something in the garage. When they finally came out, this is what they had, Frosty Paws. Wow, we haven't had Frosty Paws all summer.
Dad cut one in half for the little girls but the rest of us each got a whole cup, though Mom had to remind us that we're not supposed to eat the cup. Morgan used to do that.

Dad handed them out and we got started licking.
It was a mistake to cut the one in half for the little girls because Sydney ate hers in one big gulp, then she roamed around checking to see if any of us wanted to share. We didn't.
We started out standing, but Frosty Paws take a long time to lick, so most of us settled down in the grass to enjoy.
Mackey didn't think she wanted hers at first, but decided that it was really good.
 We took our time and enjoyed every last drop.
 Norma Jean was the first big dog finished and forgot about not eating the cup. She only ate a little.

Finally, everyone was done. Noah was the last one, as usual.
 Sebastian thanked Dad and asked if we could do this again soon.
 Goodbye Summer, we're ready for Fall.
 Your pal, Fudge


  1. Ready or not, fall's coming here, too. Mark starts school tomorrow, and the days are a little cooler already. Great sleeping weather! I hope you guys have some great playing days and, yes, more Frosty Paws.

  2. How fun!!! We want some too!!! BUT it doesn't feel much like summer is done here today. It is HOT!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  3. We need to have an end of summer Frosty Paws pawty too! What fun☺

  4. OH.MY.DOG.!!!!! FROSTY PAWS??!!! Where have those been all summers??!!! Ma didn't gives me any either!!! What is wrong with our peeps??! You guys saved me one, right? right? hello?
    um, hello? hmm.
    Wells, I guess I'll have to gets Ma off her arse and get to the store for some! Every pup deserves such a FABulous end of summer Frosty Paws Pawty!!!
    Mine will just have to wait....I thinks I'll sit here and stare at Ma til she makes it happen.
    Ruby ♥

  5. Jessie will eat the cup if Momma leaves it out long enough, so Momma makes sure to collect them as soon as we're done! Yum yum, goodbye summer!

  6. We couldn't be happier to see summer go - it means our favorite time of year is coming... FALL! Although it's going to be HOT and HUMID here again this week - boo!


  7. What a TREAT! Love the photos of all the big dogs eating in the grass...enjoying their Frosty Paws and ensuring no other pup takes theirs. BOL! Maybe you can just refill those cups...except for Norma Jean's.

    We hope you have a long, cool dry Autumn this year.

  8. Hmmm...looks like a great time. It's cooled off as well up here. We're looking forward to the Fall.
