Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Hi Everybody,
We have a really nice shelter in town that rescues dogs and cats, and sometimes other animals, from death row and gives them a safe warm place to live till they find their forever homes. It's called C.A.R.E. which stands for Castaway Animal Rescue Effort and the peeps that work there are really nice and caring.
For many years Mom and Dad have been taking them things they need like detergent and bleach and old towels. We also send them our old collars that we don't need anymore and we always take a box of treats when we visit. We think homeless animals would enjoy a treat, too.

Well, Mom has been getting a box together to take to our shelter friends and we'll give you a peek. See, sometimes peep make a mistake or their ideas just don't work out exactly as they planned. This box is all about that.

Back before Mom's hand needed to be fixed, she used to do a lot of knitting. She made these blankets for the shelter dogs.
 She also made a bunch of fancy dog sweaters. They're too small for most of us. They'd probably fit Mackey, but she doesn't know that she's a little dog. She thinks she's as big and tough as a wolf and she doesn't want to wear a sweater. So Mom decided to send the sweaters to the shelter so that some little dogs can have something pretty to wear when they go to their new homes.
 Then there was Mom's big Ebay find. When the two little spotty girls came to live with us, Mom and Dad thought they should wear harnesses to save their necks. Mom went to Ebay and found a pet store that was going out of business and was selling a bunch of harnesses in different sizes for about $20. She thought it was a good deal, but she had no idea, because when the box arrived there were more than thirty harnesses, five leashes and a bunch of collars. She was really excited.
 Some of the harnesses are big enough for us Water Dogs, some fit the little spotty  girls and we can all use the leashes. But we still have a bunch of harnesses left over, so guess where they're going. Some of the shelter dogs are going to look pretty spiffy in their new harnesses.
Then a couple days ago when our Chewy review items arrived, we were surprised because instead of dog treats, someone at Chewy had grabbed the cat treats and sent them. At first Mom was going to let us have them anyway, but after reading the ingredients, she changed her mind.
The ingredients are all good things but one of them is cat nip. She thought the kitties would enjoy them a whole lot more than we would, so they're going to the shelter for a special treat for the kitties living there.

Mom says she needs to pick up some detergent and bleach for the box before we deliver it because shelters have tons of laundry to do and they need all the help they can get. Don't forget, if you're going to take a gift box to your shelter, most of them list their wish lists and there are things you probably wouldn't think about, like office supplies and cleaning supplies, trash bags and even paper towels. We use a lot of paper towels for the nine of us, imagine how many a shelter uses. C.A.R.E. even has an Amazon wish list so stuff can be sent directly to them, and don't forget about Amazon Smile. Maybe your shelter is listed.
 So, when your peeps start their spring cleaning this year, remind them not to throw out stuff that the shelter could use. Keep a box or bag around to fill for them. You won't miss the stuff and it will make life sweet for them.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. WOW, those shelter pups and kitties are going to be living the high life thanks to you guys!

  2. Kudos to mom. Bet they are very appreciative
    Lily & Edward

  3. That's a fantastic, thoughtful idea. There are going to be a lot of stylish pups at the shelter this winter!

  4. That is one very lucky shelter to be receiving all those goods from you. We know they will so appreciated of that. Nice job, Mom.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  5. OMD!!!! HOW FABULOUS! I loves those sweaters!!!!! Your Moms got some talent, I tell ya!
    There are gonna be some very stylish pups when they go to their furever homes! Gives your Moms a BIG SLOBBERY KISS from me okays??! hehehe
    This is a great idea!!! I loves that you can gives other thingies too, cause sometimes Ma has extra thingies that she doesn't need that aren't foodables or doggies stuffs, butts maybe they can use them....she will check it out! Thanks guys! Nows....I hears there are cupcakes with sprinkles in the kitchen.......
    Ruby ♥

  6. That is a wonderful thing your mom is doing, Fudge! The blankies and sweaters are just beautiful!

  7. That's a whole lot of goodness for the shelter! Beautiful sweaters!
