Friday, March 10, 2017

And The Winner Is.....

Current tally is in. As of this morning the score is:

                                                               Sydney - 12

                                                             Moles - 0


  1. Dang, that's some mighty fine hunting! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Can we borrow Sydnay this summer? We bet her rates are a lot less than the critter control guy who set traps here two years ago to get ONE ugly mole. Way to go, Sydney.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. Wow, grrl, grreat job!! We don't have moles in our yard, but we keep the bunnies running skeered!

  4. Good for you, Sydney! Your peeps must be so proud of you!

  5. A record even Todd would and does envy! However, he and Eva got a rabbit yesterday, so that must account for something. :-)

  6. Bravo!! Miss Syd!! Well done!

    -Otto and Osa (who ventured to put her paws in the stream today, very brave!)

  7. Great work, girl. We are impressed. SHE not so much, SHE loves little critters and as we don't have moles to mess up the lawn, SHE feels sorry for them.

  8. WooooooHooooooo!!!!! OMD, that sounds like SO much funs!!!! I bets they aren't as sneaky and fast as tree rats, huh? I've only got tail furs so fars...butts rats! those are tons easier! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  9. I had faith in Syd. At least your varmit population is being reduced.
