Friday, March 31, 2017

I Knew I Could

Hi Everybody,
Remember last month, on my birthday, when I had a very very sore back? I went to visit Dr B and he took pictures of my insides. Then he stole some blood from my leg. All the tests came back good and the medicine Mom gave me made my back feel all better. But, Dr B said that I was fat. Yes, he really said that. I was insulted.

Mom said I had to go on a diet because the scales said I weighed 75 pounds. I think that sounds like an excellent number, but she didn't agree, so I started dieting. She gave me less dog food at each meal, but so that I wouldn't feel hungry all the time, she gave me lots and lots of green beans.
For treats when everybody else got a biscuit, I got a couple Zukes. They're little. but they're very tasty and Mom said I got them because I'm special.
Well, today was the day for my one month weigh-in. Mom wasn't too sure if I'd lost any weight, so she chose a day that Dr B wasn't in. She didn't want him to lecture her if I hadn't lost any pounds. The lady at the desk asked if she should put my new weight on my chart and Mom said " only if he's lost". 

Then the big moment came and I stepped on the scales. I sat down and waited and Mom got all happy because the scales said 70.5 pounds.
 Yup, I lost 4.5 pounds. See, I knew I could do it. Now, I only have 5 more to go. No problem!
 Your pal, Fudge



  1. Hey Fudge - Lady Shasta here. WOWZERZ - u did a great job of lozin'weight. You r my hero - my mom sez I NEED 2 looze'bout 5 poundz. I don't like green beanz butt I love collie-flower, brokolee an'cooked carrotz. Thoze r like treatz 2 me butt my mom also addz them 2 my mealz. May-b I can looze that weight.

  2. This is great news, Fudge! Now you can celebrate with a green bean! You'll get there, buddy☺

  3. Congrats on the weight loss. Hope you can get a nice treat soon (even if it's shaped like a green bean!) BOL

    Thank you for the POTP for my sissy, Holly. She is doing so much better since the surgery and even her liver is getting better. POTP sure is POWERFUL!

  4. Dieting is hard! You're doing great!

  5. Great job, Fudge! Momma grumbles about those numbers on the scale too, so you're not alone!

  6. Way to go Fudge!!! The Lapdogs get the Zuke's special low calorie treats. We got them for Tut's pancreatitis issues, but everyone LOVES them! Mom says they smell delicious, like coconut. - Sophie
