Thursday, October 26, 2017

P*A*R*T*Y !!!!!

Hey everybody, come party with us!
Today is our birthday. Mom remembers it as the longest night followed by the longest day ever in history. Tess was born on the 25th just before midnight and the rest of us followed.  Norma Jean was the last one to arrive around 7:30 the next morning.
So, today we're having a party in the back yard. Instead of cupcakes Mom bought a huge bag of animal crackers. She said we always swallow the cupcakes and ask for more, so this way we can have a bunch of little animal cookies. Good thinking, Mom.
Then after we play and rest we're having a special dinner of sardines. Oh yum, those are our very favorites and Mom's been saving them for this special occasion.

We wish all of you could come join us on this beautiful day. Since you can't get here, maybe if you ask nicely, your peeps will give you an extra cookie today, on us.
Of course our Dad, Fudge will be joining our party as will our brother Sebastian and the little pains, Sydney and Mackey. They all do love to party.
Mom says she can't believe that eleven years have gone by since that exciting night. We've all had a lot of fun and we're happy that we can share it with you.


  1. ELEVEN years! Time flies when you're having a good time. We'd love to join your party. Friday night is OUR sardine night...we know it's Thursday there...but we'll be thinking of you. Now, if we can just get HER to buy cookies this morning, we can really join you. However, we don't think you can get sprinkles to stay on cookies...just sayin'. Happy Birthday, Porties!

  2. Happy 11th Birthday to the Porties! Enjoy your animal crackers! Mom says they were her grams very favorite and she ate them all the time with her cup of tea.

  3. Happy #11 to all of you!!! We told Mom we need extra treats today too so we can celebrate your big day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Happy Birthday.
    We haven't met you here in blogville but saw
    ya on miss Ruby's bloggy.
    xo Astro

  5. Happy birthday to you all. You are one of our few friends who are part of a litter. That is so cool. I hope you had a fantastic party

  6. OMD!!! OMD!!!! OMD!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY EVERYONE!!!!!! Okays, where are those cupcakes??! Waits, no sprinkles??! Oh, Ma said that those anipal crackers have sprinkles ON THEM TOO! Okays, I am IN! I'll be right overs with the margaritas!!!! Don't finish without me!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to the pack! <3
