Sunday, December 31, 2017

Holiday Dinner # Chewy Influencer

Hi Everybody,
Mom is sick so she asked me to do our Chewy review while she relaxes. She says she has lots of holiday posts to catch up on, so she'll be back in a couple days. 
Even when Mom is sick, we pups have to eat. This year instead of cooking Christmas dinner for us, she relied on Chewy to give us a special holiday meal. They sent us this Victor Grain-Free Turkey and Sweet Potato Stew.
 This is really good stuff. It's made with turkey, turkey broth, sweet potatoes, peas, egg and flaxseed.  It helps with healthy digestion and muscle health. Plus the flaxseed is a source of omega fatty acids that are important to keeping our coats healthy and shiny.
We had never eaten Victor food before so Mom did some research and says that it gets excellent reviews.  It may not exactly be Mom's home cooking, but this tastes really good. In fact we're having it tomorrow for New Years, too. It's that good.
Chewy sent us a bunch of cans of Victor Turkey Stew at no cost in exchange for our review. You can take it from me, Fudge, you'll like this food.
 Now all of us want to wish all of you a really, really Happy New Year.
From your pals:



 Norma Jean




 and me, Fudge
 We'll see you in 2018.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We thought about getting that Victor's food too, but Mom couldn't figure out where it is made. It sure looks good to us.

Several members of our family are down with the flu. So far Mom and Dad are doing fine. We hope your Mom feels better soon.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Duke said...

That turkey and sweet potato stew looks so yummy! Happy New Year to all of you!

Unknown said...

word from the spouse, chances are Victor will hit the dining room table, as the New Year's main course for the keepers of the zoo, based on the nine dog, 36 paw salute. paired with a nice cold ginger ale and some steamed broccoli,disguised with a sharp cheddar cheese sauce.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Thank you for your great review. Happy New Year to everyone in your pack. We hope your om feels better

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That turkey stew sounds like a great way to see in the New Year! Happy New Year to all of you. Hope it is kind to you.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy New Year's to all of you!

Marjie said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. I'm lucky; I only got bronchitis. Dearly Beloved has pneumonia. Makes for a difficult Christmas week. I hope those pups are snuggling and keeping you warm!