Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Year- New Projects

After a quiet New Year's Eve we headed into the new year with lots of new ideas and plans. First we had to celebrate a big birthday. On January 4th we all had banana blueberry muffins (with sprinkles) in honor of Sebastian turning seven.
Here's my version of Sebastian. I adapted a pattern from the Knit Your Own Dog book by Sally Muir.
  On January first I decided to start a year long project that I've been thinking about for a couple years. I've been intrigued with the temperature blankets that I've seen online and finally made up my mind to start one. In case you're not familiar with temperature blankets, here's how they work. They can be knit, crocheted or sewn. You set up a palette of colors corresponding to temperature ranges and each day you add a row or more to your blanket depending on the temperature of that day.

I decided to knit my blanket and here's my palette:
100 and over =dark red
90-99  = red
80-89 = orange
70-79 = yellow
60-69 = dark green
50-59 = light green
40-49 = blue
30-39 = light blue
20-29 = purple
10-19 = lavender
9 and under = white

Then I couldn't decide whether to do the city I live in now or my home town, so I started two blankets, one for each city. Each day I check the previous day's temperature on Accuweather, then I knit one row corresponding to the high temp and one row for the low temp. This will go on for the full year and next New Year's  Day, I'll have two big, warm, colorful blankets. Here they are up to the middle of January.
 As if that wasn't a big enough project to start, I have another going on that involves you. March marks our 10th Blogoversary.
 For the last three or four years I've been working on a special plan. I don't want to ruin the surprise, so just know that we're all going to celebrate together. 


  1. You are an amazing knitter. The dog came out great!

  2. WOW, the temperature blanket is pretty cool. Happy Blogoversary, 10 years is great. Hey Sebastian, Happy belated Birthday from all of us, the knitted you is darn cool. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Mini-Sebastian is just too cute and we love the temperature blankies! Beautiful work! You are amazing, Miss Sue!

  4. OMD, 7 already?! Happy barkday, Sebastian! Your mini-me is pretty pawesome too.

  5. That's an interesting blanket idea. Even SHE might be able to knit one line per day! The blogaversary sounds intriguing.

    Happy Barkday, Sebastian! We think you can put sprinkles on ANYTHING.

  6. Those are amazing blankets. You are very talented. Happy birthday to Sebastian
