Friday, June 22, 2018

Wait For Us Molly

Almost every Friday our friend Molly takes her Mom for a walk thru the neighborhood and checks out the pretty flowers along the way. Today we decided to join her and point out the flowers and pretty plants in our yard.
Let's start at the top of the driveway and work our way down the hill.  Around here the birds plant a lot of the flowers, so we never know what to expect. Here's a sunflower trying to grow surrounded by pavement. The birds must have dropped a seed from the feeder.
Dad originally planted three of these Weigela bushes but only one remains. That's because Sky and Norma Jean used them as both a back scratcher and toothpicks. This one was lucky to be planted outside the fence where they couldn't get to it.
The Pyracantha bushes flowered recently and soon will have bright red berries where the flowers are now.
This wild rose vine was also planted by the birds. It has killer thorns that grab our hair when we walk by it.
The Clematis is actually inside the fence but has grown out between the slats.
Dad's rose bush is doing well this year.
Along the path the birds have planted Morning Glories.


 Here are some unidentified wildflowers with the morning glories.

In Mom's quiet rock garden the Hostas are getting big. They'll soon be flowering.

Inside the house we still have a few flowers hanging on.  Here is one of the beautiful roses from Bailey's bouquet.

Say goodbye to the last Christmas Cactus flowers for the summer. They'll be back in October.
 We can't forget the Moringa forest. One day last winter Mom read an article about Moringa, a tree native to India. It's leaves are supposed to have all sorts of nutritional and medicinal powers. She bought some and tried it and in just a few days her fingers weren't sore anymore. Then Dad tried it and his sore shoulder stopped hurting. So she gave some to me and within a couple weeks I could walk better and climb on the sofa by myself without help. Then she started giving it to all of us and we all feel pretty good. Bailey takes it every day, too.

Mom bought some seeds and Dad planted them. He waited and waited and nothing happened, then one day last week some tiny little plants popped up. They're growing really fast now and Dad put a cage around them so that we couldn't eat them. Mom says they probably won't survive the winters around here, so Dad is trying to figure out how to build them a little glass house to keep them warm on cold days. Here's our little Moringa forest.
 So, thanks Molly for walking thru our yard with us and looking at our flowers.
Your pal, Fudge.


  1. You sure do have some beautiful flowers and bushes in your yard. Once upon a time, Mom had lots of gorgeous hostas too, but it seems like some boyPups like to sprinkle them a "wee" bit too much.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Your flowers are just gorgeous, Fudge! There is no way we could ever choose a favorite - we love them all! Thank you for letting us tour your yard!

  3. Your flowers are so pretty, and I hope Dad can keep your special Indian plants alive!

  4. OMD, guys, those blooms are just FABulous!!!! Yeah, if it weren't for all the doggie fences around Ma's plants, there would be nothin' left! BOL!!! what? ☺
    Thanks for the beautiful tour!!!!
    Ruby ♥
    {{{{hugs}}}} Bailey! ♥♥♥
