Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Morning After

Hi everybody,
Well, we made it thru another Boomer Day. We're all still here and except for being kind of tired from sitting up all night barking at boomers, we're OK.
 Actually, the booming started last Saturday and has continued every night. Mom says they'll probably keep happening thru the next weekend.
This year Mom has been planning ahead and it's been interesting and sort of worked. Just before it gets dark every night, she takes us outside. Then when we go inside  Mom puts the girls in their crates in the basement. She turns on the lights and the big tv.  She sets it at the station that shows Seinfeld and Friends about 24 hours a day.
When the boomers start we're all so busy laughing at George and Kramer and Joey that we hardly even hear them.

Last night was pretty bad though. The boomers were louder and lasted longer.  Mom slipped Norma Jean and Sebastian some valium which worked for awhile but wore off before the boomers ran out.

Norma Jean has become really goofy about noise lately. If someone sneezes, she jumps up and leaves the room. If she hears thunder she tries to climb up on Mom's shoulder like when she was a puppy. I guess she hasn't looked in a mirror recently. She's a 65 pound puppy now.
Sebastian gets really sad around this time of year. It was on the 4th of July that he got lost and wandered into our lives. When he hears boomers he runs from the door to the window barking, then climbs on Mom's lap. He's a  75 pound lapdog. We feel bad for him because he lost a person that he loved a lot.
So tonight we'll watch Seinfeld again. I hope the soup Nazi is on. "No soup for you".
How do you get thru Boomer Day?
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Poor Sebastian but buddy - you have the bestest family now and they love you lots. I understand about the lap climbing stuffs. I do it too and it helps us a lot to be closer to our hoomans, right♥ Our fireworks will surely happen this weekend too and mom will be watching movies that keep her up longer than she normally would stay up.

  2. Oh Sebastian! sorry dude. PTSD is terribles, and I do believes it occurs in puppers too! Oh, I try and climb into Ma's lap, butts she says my TALONS hurt. the nerves! Oh, I'm not scared of the fireworks, I just likes to try and steal her place. ☺
    I hopes you guys have a more quiet weekend..paws crossed!
    Ruby ♥

  3. There weren't any LOUD boomers here, but we heard pretty regular pops. But our old neighbor used to shoot off fireworks ALL the time, not just the Fourth, so Momma is pretty happy it's so much less here!


  4. It sounds like you have a good plan but the fireworks are never ending. Dog owners need to rise up end fireworks. I was thinking of getting one of those planes that the firefighters use and fly over all the fireworks sites and dousing them
