Monday, September 10, 2018

Fall Preview

Gordon dropped by this weekend. Yes, the remnants of hurricane Gordon swept thru bringing lots and lots of rain. He also brought cooler temperatures, almost chilly temperatures. It was nice to wear a jacket outside and a sweatshirt inside. Today is sunny but still cooler, it feels like Fall.

It even looks like Fall. The berries on the pyracantha are bright orange.
The crabapples are hanging on the trees.
The last Rose of Sharon flower of the season has opened.
Due to the severe drought we've experienced this summer, the trees are stressed. The oaks are putting out record numbers of acorns.
Gordon's rain brought out a mass of mushrooms. I like these red ones tucked behind the rocks.
There are a lot of these strange little ones.
We spent most of the weekend inside because we got drenched every time we stepped outside. But we had something to cheer us. This gorgeous bouquet arrived from our Chewy family in remembrance of Bailey. The bright yellow daisies, lilies, snapdragons and roses smell wonderful and all the dogs go over to admire it frequently.
Summer will return in a few days but we know Fall is on the way and we're looking forward to it.


  1. Bailey's flowers are beautiful! How thoughtful the people at Chewy are. It turned cold here on Friday; I don't believe we've seen a high of 60 degrees since Thursday. But here I am, refusing to turn on the heat because it's not yet September 15th. The things we cling to...enjoy your fall preview.

  2. And we are just getting some Spring weather! Nice to be out of the thermal spencers and be able to sit outside in the sun and read.....always opposite.

  3. Those flowers are so beautiful and such a nice tribute to Angel Bailey.. We sure are enjoying the nicer weather too - we had enough of the rain.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Oh, it does look like fall there! It's FABulous! The only indication that fall is coming, is that it has been gettin' a little colder at night (YAY!), butts still warm (not hot thankfully). The a/c still has to run for a couple of hours in the evening, butts no complaints. Your flowers are so beautifuls.....Chewy is the bestest ♥
    Ruby ♥

  5. The flowers from Chewy are beautiful and so very thoughtful. We never see red mushrooms but mom is always looking.

  6. We love looking around the garden and exploring
    Lily & Edward

  7. You have some very lovely flowers. It is time for us to replace the summer flowers, which are showing their age, and plant some fresh fall flowers
