Sunday, November 25, 2018

It Can't Be !!

Hi everybody,
Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, sunny and warm with a little breeze, a perfect day for a birthday or two.

That's what we had, two birthdays. Sydney and Mackey celebrated their birthdays and can you believe they're six years old? It seems like they were these fat little puppies just last week. Now they're bigger and a lot noisier and they're both pests.
Mackey barks when she's happy and when she's sad and when she's hungry or tired or wants to go out. She barks when she doesn't even know why she's barking. She's really fast and steals treats every chance she gets. Still she's an ok pal.
Sydney, on the other paw, is one scary pup. We never know if she's going to be sweet and friendly or if she's going to growl or try to grab us by the throat. Mom and Dad spend time alone with her and she lives by herself in her special pen so that we're all safe.
After our dinner last night we had pieces of a birthday pie that Chewy sent us. It was pretty good but we like Mom's banana cream pie better. We wished the girls a happy birthday, then we spent a quiet evening with the peeps.
Today it's cold and windy so we're helping Mom and Dad make Noah's special food. We get to sample the sweet potatoes and carrots. Tonight we'll each have a little on our dinner.
It's been a pretty good weekend and we're rested and ready for another exciting week.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. I cannot believe that Sydney and Mackey are celebrating their 6th birthday - How did that happen? Todd will be 8 in April. I remember when they came to you, have we been blogging friends that long? But I admire that you've done what you can to keep Sydney safe and everyone else safe as well. Having had to do it, I know it's not easy.

    But I am glad to read that you've had a good restful weekend - Enjoy the week ahead!

  2. Happy Birthday to Sydney and Mackey! Your cake sure looks yummy to me!

  3. Happy Birthday, Girlz! We remember you as wee pups.... Looks like you had a great celebration.

  4. Happy Birthday, girls! Glad you all had a nice Thanksgiving; now Mom is going to be driven crazy by all the ads for the fat guy in a red suit. You know the ones.

    (I can't believe the girls are 6 years old. Time flies.)
