Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Hunt Is On

While I got to sleep in a little this morning, Rob and the Easter bunny hid biscuits in the freshly mowed yard. It's a beautiful sunny day for an Easter biscuit hunt.
After fortifying myself with a cup of coffee, we headed for the yard. As we got to the door it hit me how diminished the pack is. I thought back to the years when Morgan, Tsar, Samba, Fudge and six Portie pups were eager to start looking for hidden treats.
Now we have four aging Porties, two incorrigible hounds and a sulky shepherd waiting to find whatever is hidden in the yard.
As soon as the first biscuit was discovered everyone started hunting. They were all hidden in easy spots this year because arthritic legs don't allow for jumping and climbing as in other years.
The hunt was a big success. Mackey probably found the most but everyone had plenty of treats.

Even Sydney got to play once the initial excitement calmed down.
Where is Sebastian? Well, all last week he wanted to go in the dog castle to sleep in the big hole he's dug in there. He couldn't get in because of the cone on his head and the leash attached to a human.

Now his eye is healed and he spent several hours in his house yesterday. Today he headed straight for the house again and refused to come out to play.  Expecting his reaction, I had tossed a couple biscuits inside and I heard him crunching.
Finally everyone had eaten enough biscuits and started heading toward the house. Several stopped to thank Rob for this fun event.
Sebastian decided after three hours to come inside to cool off.
Another successful biscuit hunt in the books.


  1. The hunt is getting slower every year. But, we're sure the excitement level stays the same. A great way to celebrate.

  2. Holee Molee..... that Easter Bunny sure was good to you guys. Can I come live with you???

    Wishing you a very HOPPY EASTER and a great spring and summer!


  3. Ooooooo! I just knews that was gonna happen! I loves your Easter treatie hunts! I so wants to come overs next year and join! I hopes you are feelin' betters Sebastian! I do loves your ManCave!
    I hopes you are all havin' a most FABulous Easter!
    Ruby ♥

  4. Your biscuit hunt sounds like so much fun! Mom needs to cut our grass but it won't stop raining!

  5. The bunny was very good to the pack! It looks like you had great weather, too. We had drizzle all weekend. Happy Springtime to you and the pack!

  6. Oh what fun! And I love the doggy castle!
