Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Autumn, Where Are You?

Hi Bloggers,
The calendar says it's Fall but you sure can't tell from the weather. It been in the nineties all of September and most of the trees are still green. We thought we'd be enjoying some cool temperatures and snuggling in our blankets at night, but instead we're sleeping on the air vents and slurping cold water.

Anyway, Mom is still playing with her sticks and strings every day. That woman is obsessed. She has made some pretty cute stuffies but I'm not allowed to touch them. One day some were sitting on the kitchen table and I just wanted a closer look and maybe a lick or two. Mom caught me and impressed on me that they are her toys, not mine.

She'll show them to you soon but I can tell you about the mini dogs. She showed you last time the ones that were already made. Since then some more have joined the pack.

First is a Golden Retriever.
Next came a Dachshund.

Then came a huge Border Collie. The sizes are weird. Mom uses the same size yarn and needles but some dogs are small and some are much bigger.

Now I want to answer our friend Matilda. Yes, there is a Boxer pattern in the book and Mom decided to make it. She went to the room upstairs where she keeps her yarn behind a gate so we can't play with it.

She started looking for Boxer color yarn. She found some that was too brown and some that was too yellow but no good Boxer color.

So Mom told Dad that they needed to go to a couple of stores where she buys yarn. He just loves shopping for yarn, so off they went. She found some yarn that was too brown and some that was too yellow but no good Boxer color.

So Mom came home and got on the internets to look in her favorite yarn sites. She found two places that had yarn that looked right. One place called it Honey and the other called it Caramel. She chose Caramel because well,  it's caramel.
Then we waited and waited until finally one day the mail lady handed Mom a package with the Boxer color yarn inside.

Mom started knitting and made all the little pieces. One night last week she sat down to put the pieces together to make a dog and suddenly the lights went out. About two miles away from our house, a tree fell down and took the power lines with it. We were in the dark for hours.

The next day Mom had to see her foot doctor for a checkup on her surgery. She was hoping he'd say it looked good and she could have a steroid injection for the pain in the bone. But instead he poked at the incision and said it looked infected. She has to take antibiotics and wait another three weeks for her injection. She's not happy.

Then the next day Dad had to have a procedure in the hospital. She sat for hours in his room waiting, plenty of time to sew up the Boxer dog, but she didn't take it with her.

After that day Norma Jean had a little problem that kept Mom busy and the whole week was like that. She never got a chance to pick up her knitting.

Finally Monday night Mom picked up her dog parts and started sewing them together. Everything went fine except the face. The book doesn't give very good directions and just says to pull the last stitches of the nose to row 21 and attach. Mom had no idea which row was 21 or how to make the face look right so she just did her best. She's not really happy with it but it is what it is.
 After all that here he is.

So that's what we're doing while we're waiting for cooler weather to get here. We don't like 90 degrees in July, let alone in October.

Keep wagging, Mackey


  1. I love your new pets! Always thinking of you and your furry babies. I am hoping for cooler weather too and soon. I appreciate you taking the time to blog. Wishing you a happy, colorful, and peaceful autumn!!

  2. Sounds like there are some evil fairies that don't like mini dogs have come to cause you some problems. We were wondering how the face of a Boxer would be made. We thought very difficult, but we love all the mini dogs!

    Hope you have cooler weather and better luck coming up soon.

  3. Your mini dogs are all so cute, Miss Sue! We hope your cooler autumn weather arrives soon.
