Thursday, March 19, 2020

Welcome Spring

Ordinarily I love Spring. This year might be an exception. It's been raining for days and the plants in the yard aren't sure what to do. The rose is all leafed out and has been for a couple weeks. The cherry tree is trying to bud but we're expecting a freeze so that may kill the flowers. The other plants seem to just be waiting for a signal to get started.

I think this is a little pine tree that was planted by the birds in the rock garden. I hope it continues to grow though it's not located in the best spot. We'll see.
We're doing our cocooning. I can practically recite the lines to every Law and Order program from heart. Still it beats listening to virus statistics for hours on end.

In honor of a more normal first day of Spring, I offer you this.
Stay safe, everyone.


  1. Love your beautiful needlework, Miss Sue! Happy Spring to you!

  2. Happy Spring! We seem to be in Spring, too. And it should be Autumn. Mother Nature has certainly gone nuts!

  3. Happy Spring to you as well, my friend! We're just getting started here. And I thought I was the only one who could recite the lines from Law & Order....And The Office too! :-)

  4. We are looking forward to being in the garden again. Things make sense for a wee bit of time

  5. Oh, now that it's Spring, it feels like Winter! BOL!!! We had Spring during Winter, and nows Winter during Spring! No wonder the plants are freakin' out! BOL!! Anyhu, your garden is lookin' amazin', and I hopes you guys are stayin' safe and healthy!
    Ruby ♥

  6. WE have a few things starting to break bud. Another cold weekend coming; maybe next week we'll get some spring? Stay safe, Sue.
