Thursday, March 25, 2021

It's Spring, I Guess

 Hi, Here we are again, back at Blogger. Don't ask me what's going on because I don't have a clue. On Saturday I sat at the computer for hours trying to post on the other site and it wouldn't let me on. It still won't. So today I sat down at Blogger and on the first try it worked. There's no guarantee that it will tomorrow or even this afternoon, so here we are. 

On Saturday I was going to wish you all a happy Equinox. The calendar says it's finally Spring, but it's chilly and rainy and the Spring blooms are late this year.

 Rob gets his second vaccination tomorrow and I'll get mine next Wednesday. Till then we pretty much hang out around the house. I've got Rob hooked on jigsaw puzzles. Here's the most recent finish.

There were two pieces missing in this one and it was driving us crazy.

I'm still playing with sharp objects aka knitting needles. In honor of Spring I created this little fellow.



Then, just because I wanted to, I made an Old English Sheepdog. He's big and cuddly and I'm in love with him.

Mackey is having a great time napping and chasing squirrels. What more could a dog ask for?

So that's what we're up to. Let's hope that Blogger continues to allow us to post. I've missed you guys.



  1. That looks like a very tough puzzle. Nice job, but isn't it so frustrating when all the pieces aren't there? Drives our Mom nuts. That sheepdog is really nice. We have had a very wet week and are hoping for some wind to dry up the yard and some sunshine would be nice too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Heeeeey!!!! It's nice to see you guys! Who knows what the dog is ever happening with the bloggies ~ sometimes I thinks the squirrels get in and chew the wires๐Ÿ˜„.
    Hey, if you guys wants, you can come over heres....they weather peeps say it's gonna be 80 for a couple of days next week (Ma is SO not ready for the heat!!) anyhu, so glads you are gonna be 100% vaccinated!!! APPARENTLY (who really knows), Ma SHOULD be able to gets her shot starting on the furst of April. which means MAYBE she'll gets her shot by May. sigh.
    Your puzzle is FABulous! Ma has been keepin' herself buzy (and away from SOME snacks) by making afghans ๐Ÿ˜‚. she is one her third (successful) one (she doesn't want to talk about the two that looked like Picasso did the pattern ๐Ÿ˜Š). None is as FABulous as the sheepdog!!! OMD, Ma squealed!
    Ruby ♥

  3. Love the Sheepdog and the squirrels tail is just right! I love your puzzle and I agree, a missing piece is soooooo frustrating! Hi Mackey!

  4. Wait wait wait wait! You....MADE...a tree rat...voluntarily?!?!?!

  5. Hi friend! Ojo here! I must confess. I ate the two puzzle pieces. Sorry. Also - is there anything better than napping and chasing squirrels? I think not!
