Sunday, April 4, 2021

Biscuit Hunt

In 1997 we had three dogs, Pylon, Bentley and Lucy. That year we had our first Easter Biscuit Hunt. We hid biscuits around our living room, then let the dogs in. We were amazed how quickly they figured out what to do. They checked every corner, under every chair and anywhere else a biscuit could be hiding. We just stood there laughing. It was fun for everyone. Every year since then we've held our annual hunt with an ever changing pack. It's always fun.

This year I was tempted to skip it because we have only the two hound girls, but I decided to give them a chance. Syd and Mack waited impatiently in the garage while Rob and I hid biscuits around the yard. Some were in plain view and some had to be searched for.

Then Rob released the hounds.
The minute they exited the garage their noses lifted into the air and they started hunting. They found the easy ones quickly. Then the real fun began.

A quick break to roll from sheer happiness.
Back to the hunt.

They didn't find them all because they were distracted by a lizard sunning himself.  Syd scored the first lizard of the year. She usually gets three or four per year. Mackey has only ever caught one. Syd plays with them like a cat, batting them around. At least she doesn't swallow them alive as Morgan used to do.

The hunt was fun for the girls but it was bittersweet for me. I kept thinking of past years with my big, lively pack chasing around the yard scarfing up biscuits as they went. I miss my furbabies.

Happy Easter everyone.


  1. We are so happy that you continued the biscuit tradition. The pups seemed to have a lot of fun. We spent the afternoon finding all the cookie crumbs from the big kids and grandkids that visited for Easter dessert:)

    Happy Easter from all of us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. That looks like a great idea and a lot of fun for the dogs. Too band the nasty lizard interrupted.

  3. What fun for Sydney and Mackey! We hope you and Rob had a wonderful Easter, Sue!
