Sunday, December 5, 2021

National Cookie Day

When I opened my mail this morning there was something about it being National Cookie Day. Upon further checking I discovered that it was yesterday and I missed it.

 Well, we can't let National Cookie Day go by without cookies, so we 're declaring today National Cookie Day, Part Two.  I've always liked cookies and I haven't made any in a long time, so I headed for the kitchen along with my cookie day ambassador, Miss Mackey. She found a good place out of my way to wait for the cookie making process to run it's course.
Fudge used to be my cookie ambassador and he was very good at it. Fudge loved chocolate chip cookies. The minute anyone opened the cookie jar Fudge appeared and told them exactly how much he loved chocolate chip cookies. 
Now before you all tell me that chocolate is bad for dogs, let me explain. When I made the cookies I separated some of the batter before adding the chocolate chips. The plain batter got baked along with the chocolate batter but the chipless cookies were for Fudge. And he knew it !!
Mackey is a bit on the plump side so she gets the tiny puppy sized Milkbone cookies and that's perfectly fine with her.  She knows that she must sit nicely for a cookie. It's the only time she sits on command. Mackey isn't big on obedience and when you give her a command she often gives you "the look" and walks away.
Anyway, happy National Cookie Day. 
Go grab a cookie and enjoy!


  1. Oh dear...just the sight of all those baked cookies makes ME want to bake. I plan on making some pecan chewy cookies for Christmas. Your holiday came early.

    Sweet faces on your pooches!!!

  2. FINALLY a reason to have a cookie or two or three! Its been a long time since I baked cookies, and yours look delicious and are probably why I shouldn't, I'd eat then all, and the batter, no matter what it had or was missing!

  3. Yummers - who doesn't love a cookie!!! Mom made us some tasty peanut butter ones last week.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. You are so lucky your mom figured a work around with the chocolate thing.

  5. You were a smart boy, Fudge. Who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies!

  6. I so wished we lived closer, Sue. Bummer that the sawdust and you don't get along. A jigsaw is such a fun toy! My mom has been gone 5 years now. I miss her.
