Friday, May 13, 2022

A Nature Walk

 Today, Friday the 13th, we're joining Miss Molly for a nature walk. We had to get out early, before Mom's first cup of coffee because our temperatures are in the 90s this week. Mom doesn't much like the heat so when we got our pictures we returned to the coolness of the house where we will lounge all day. Actually Mom has an excuse. She had steroid injections in both her knees this week so she can lie on the couch with ice packs on her knees and nobody can complain.  

 So anyway, here is what we saw on our early morning walk. In the front yard the wild strawberry patch has grown enormously. Last year it was just a little spot under the tree but now about a quarter of the yard has little yellow berry flowers and a few little berries are already showing. I think some of the berries have already been dessert for our night crew.

Next we started down the driveway and the Weigela is blooming. Half the plant has big buds getting ready to open and the other half is already open. 

The wild rose growing on the corner of the fence is starting to flower. Dad and that rose have an ongoing  fight. Dad tries to keep the plant in bounds on the corner of the fence but the plant wants to spread. It reaches it's thorny arms out and snags Mom's hair when she walks by it. Our bird friends planted it for us a couple years ago and I personally think the plant will win the battle.
Around the corner of the fence is our patch of cool Iris. This year we have a couple of smaller ones with a little yellow in them. We're not sure where they came from but it's nice to see the variety.

Some little periwinkle flowers are peeking out. These eager spreaders have taken over parts of the yard but since they don't have to be mowed, we don't really care.
The few remaining Pyracantha are in full bloom which means lots of tasty orange berries for the birds this fall.

We're expecting more rains over the coming week so it'll be interesting to see what new blooms we can find next Friday. Now to go cool off.
Your pal, Mackey


  1. Your flowers are just beautiful! Love your Weigela. It's one plant that I've never grown before. I hope your knees feel better, Miss Sue.

  2. Thank you for sharing your lovely spring day and beautiful flowers with us.
