Today we were featured on the Zoolatry blog.
We consider June and her Mom to be dear friends and an important part of our Blogville family. Drop by and meet some of their other friends.
Last weekend a couple of pics of Syd and Mac together were requested. I looked thru my enormous photo library and there weren't any good recent ones so I called the girls to go outside and pose for some new pics. Instead I got a surprise.
Sydney and Mackey are litter mates and when they came to live with us they were six weeks old. They were inseparable.
Then this weekend when I opened the door they ran out in different directions. Syd ran to check the trees for low hanging squirrels and Mackey raced to the fence where she's sure a lizard is living. I called them to me but Mac refused to come. Even a cookie couldn't drag her away from that invisible lizard. After several minutes of trying to get them together I enlisted Rob's help. He put them on leashes and this is what I got. Sad!!!
The girls used to be so close, but now they tend to ignore each other. I finally got a couple of decent pictures but I realized how much they have changed over the years.
You have had such a beautiful pack. If you have dog that listens where is the challenge?
What cute pups they were! Sadly, not all sisters are best friends.
Hi guys! We think you 2 are GORGEOUS! Alas, we have NOT met you beforeso we are so furry happy that Ann and June have introduced you! We shall try to stop by more often (now that we know where you are) Keep on being awesome! Purrs Marv
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