Tuesday, December 27, 2022


 Toddlers go thru that wonderful stage in life when everything is theirs. Their favorite word becomes MINE!!! Well, Boston is going through that stage now.

 His first night here we spread his blanket in the middle of the living room. The next day he began gathering toys. Each toy he found that looked interesting he dragged onto his blanket until he had a pretty good pile.
One time he dragged Mackey's basket onto his pile and I removed it and told him NO, that is not yours.He's  pretty comfy now and extends his exploration range a bit each day. He's still adding to his toy pile. Today he found a leaf outside and brought it in to his collection.

 Rob likes to take a few of the toys and spread them out around the house. Then he watches Boston find them and bring them back to the pile. 

He's very proud of his toy collection but Bunny, a small blue rabbit seems to be his favorite. Each morning when he gets up he runs to check on Bunny.
Gathering toys is tiring work and a pup needs a nap afterwards.
Shhhh, don't wake him.


  1. That is quite the pile of toys you have there, Boston. You are so cute!

  2. Hello Boston and family! I am almost 9 month old and everything is still MINE!! :)

    Juno xo

  3. Hello Boston! How funny that he doesn't nap on his blanket with all those toys :) g
