We've had some nice sunrises, although if Tess decided to sleep in one morning, I really wouldn't complain about not watching the sun come up.
Before I move on to upcoming events, I need to say Happy Birthday to my baby brother, Dan. Today is his birthday and his card is still sitting on my desk. Sorry, I've been so bad lately about getting things out on a timely basis. I need to get more organized.

This is my baby brother with his baby. The baby in white is Dan's first child and my nephew, Eddie. The baby in red is my cousin's first son, Ian. The boys are about a month apart. Dan is the same guy who told me he didn't need to hang around the house to meet my friends new baby. "If you've seen one, you've seen them all" was what he told me as he ran outside to play with his buddies. Fortunately, his ideas changed and matured. He's a great dad and not a bad brother.
The white dove that landed on our deck Saturday has decided to stay. She spends the days on the deck eating or on the roof watching the area. At night she flies off into the trees. We're a little puzzled, but pleased to have her.
Today we had an early morning appointment with Dr B. Morgan had to have her senior exam. They took blood and we'll have an extensive report back tomorrow that will show any changes since the last time. Dr B checked a couple of bumps, but doesn't think they're anything to worry about. We'll watch them for any changes.
Morgan has been chewing on one of her front feet, so he took a look and all four feet are red. He thinks it's most likely an allergic reaction to some grasses or weeds. I'll soak her feet and put some lotion on them. If they're not better by next Monday we'll put her on antibiotics for a week.
Dr B was very pleased with her overall condition. Her weight is perfect and she seems alert and active. A very good report and one that started my day off well.
We went home to play in the yard with the rest of the gang. They're busy helping Rob with the fish pond and getting lots of exercise. They're also a very dirty group.
My knee is healed and this weekend I was able to fit my foot into a shoe for the first time in three weeks. I'm wearing a velcro wrap thingie on the foot and ankle and am able to walk without the crutches. It still swells during the day and the pain grows as the day goes on, but it's much improved.
The dogs wish I still needed to soak it. Rob filled a bucket with cold water and threw in some ice cubes. While I soaked my foot and ankle the dogs all had to come drink out of the bucket and Samba and a couple others stole the ice cubes. Nothing's easy in a household with ten dogs.
Last year I made this pillow and the dog sweater below for the local agility club to auction at their trial. I guess they liked them because they've asked if I'd make something this year. I've just started thinking about what I'll make. Any suggestions out there?
While we were driving this weekend we saw some interesting cloud formations. For a change I had my camera with me and caught a couple.
We've been hoping for rain early in the week because we're taking Lola and Bailey to the lake to swim on Friday. Morgan is going, too. We're hoping she shows the girls how to do it.
Rob even washed the car yesterday trying to bring on some rain.
Our big upcoming event is the Rally trial in October at the fairground. As you know Fudge did well two out of three tries last year, then really messed up on the third day. Well, we're going to try again.
I'm giving my foot one more week to rest, then Fudge and I will start working on our home course in the garage. He remembers it pretty well, but we have to sharpen up on some of the moves. I'm giving him two shots at it this year. Do you think he can manage to use some self control long enough to get that title for us?
Finally, over on Lexis and Bentley's blog, there's a contest for the most earristible ears.

I went thru some pictures last night and this is the one I decided to enter.
My next post will be #300. For someone who didn't have anything to say, I can't seem to shut up. See you then.