Monday, April 27, 2009

And The Winner Is---

Thank you to everyone who played Footsie with us. We have a winner.

Here are the answers.

A - Noah
B - Bailey
C - Sky
D - Lola
E - Morgan
F - Tess
G - Samba
H - Norma Jean
I - Tsar
J - Fudge

We had four people that each got eight of the choices correct.

Logan, Chan, Nicki, and Nicky

Gaylen got all ten correct.

When I first set this up I had Rob try to match them up. After all he lives with them and sees them every day. He got five correct and I worried that I had made it too hard. You guys are amazing.

We appreciate that you all took the time to look back thru old posts to try to match them. It was a fun way for us to celebrate my 200th post.

Logan and Nicky, please email me with your addresses so I can send out your prizes.


soulbrush said...

ha ha ha now i will look back and see how many i got right...probably three. it was so hard, but whew i feel better as rob strugled too. congrats girls, you are clever, and gaylen you rock! thanks for the fun game...what we guessing next-tails?

SissySees said...

It was a challenge, but I bet Rob didn't pour over OTHER photos of feet, did he? Congrats to Gaylen and the other winners! That was a lot of fun.

Dianne said...

Wow, I'm amazed that Gaylen got them all correct...that was hard! Congrats to everyone who got 8 right, too.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record - I literally poured over the photos. Had two monitors going - one with the list. I asked Sue innocent questions - right on the blog about front and back feet.

I'm pretty happy I got them all right :) Thanks Sue - it was fun. g

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it!
First of all that I forgot it was Monday after all my whining :D
And second of all I can't believe I got more than 2 right....i'm so happy!
Thanks for running such a fun contest....really got the old grey matter working!
And very well done to Gaylen :o)
Will email you tomorrow as I should be in bed already....
Nighty-night from a very happy bunny xx

Natalie Rush said...

How fun! Sorry I missed it! I'm always so behind on blogs these days!