Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Challenges

There are two contests in Blogland that are very appealing. Each challenges us a little and that's good.

First, Kathy works in a NICU and they are short of blankets for the tiny patients. She's asking all of us knitters and crocheters to make a blanket no bigger than a cookie sheet. It can be any color and any design as long as it's small. It's a great way to use up some of that stash to make room for new yarn purchases. A blanket that small can be made in a weekend.

You can check with her on her blog with any questions you might have and to get the mailing address for your finished blanket.

The second contest and challenge is on Chan's blog. She wants us to think about our blessings.

I have so many.

I'm thankful for Boo and my introduction to Portuguese Water Dogs. If we hadn't adopted that funny looking tiny puppy, I might never have realized the joy of living with this breed and my life
today would be very different.

Monty was the most challenging dog I've ever lived with. Because of the terrible abuse he suffered, I learned to be more patient and accepting. Together we dealt with his fears.

Lucy taught me respect for little dogs and to look at the world through their eyes. It looks very different if you're only eight inches tall.

Morgan has taught me persistence. Despite receiving a death sentence a year ago, she has overcome her physical problems and is up for any challenge. Every day we get to spend with her is a blessing.

Tsar has worked hard to teach me patience. Living with a big dog that acts more like a cat than a dog can be frustrating. I've learned to take a deep breath and give him space and eventually we make progress.

Samba has taught me about loyalty. She'll do whatever I ask of her, though she does grumble about it sometimes.

Fudge is going to be our first titled dog. This is a dream come true for me. Some little girls dream of being Miss America or a champion skater or of having a storybook wedding. I used to watch the Westminster Dog Show and dream of having my own show dog.

Samba and Fudge presented me with another dream come true. This litter of pups was planned with great excitement.

These babies were such a blessing that we couldn't part with them. We kept six of the eight pups and are close with the two that went to other homes.

The greatest blessing I have is Rob. Although he told me when we first met that he hated it when people spoke of their dogs as if they were children and he never wanted to be referred to as our dog's daddy, he now talks about going shopping for toys for the kids. Here he is rocking Lola when she was a pup.

Rob has made it possible for me to stay home and take care of our pack of dogs and to get involved in activities with them. He supports me in my creative endeavors, only complains a little about the stashes of yarn and fabric. He reads my blog and he offers encouragement when I need it.

The new friends I've made since I began blogging are a wonderful and unexpected blessing. They've given me support and encouragement. They've brought me laughter and tears and I'm so pleased that I've had the opportunity to chat with so many of you.

Now, at the beginning of fall, think about your blessings and join Chan's challenge. The prizes are great, too. And don't forget, if it's rainy this weekend where you live, turn on a movie, make a cup of tea and whip up a baby blanket for some tiny newborn in need.


  1. We love to hear about people's blessings. Our Mom says we are blessed on a daily basis to all be together on this farm that we love so much.

    Right now Mom is knitting hats for a "Warming Families" project, but we're sure she can whip up a baby blanket or two before November 1st.

    Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  2. Hi Sue, what a lovely post. I particularly liked all your blessings.
    Instead of negatives in any of your dogs you looked at what you had learned in dealing with them and how they had added to your life.
    That is just so positive!
    Every dog I have had in my life has been quite different and like you I think I have learned from the all.
    I discover things about myself I didn't know!

  3. Beautiful post! Just beautiful! I can't think of a finer way to count one's blessings.

  4. Well Sue... that made me cry. A heavy mist, to be exact...

    One week from tomorrow for you and Fudge, right??

  5. When I was a little girl, I too dreamed of having a show dog! I had lots of stuffed dogs. My dolls were there for being the audience at the dog show. The only maternal feelings I have ever had were for dogs. Never once in my life did I think I'd be the mother of any child other than canine.

  6. What a great post Sue! You certainly do seem blessed with wonderful dogs and a husband. I love the puppy pics! Thanks for posting about the baby blanket contest, I have one ready to go and am so excited to participate in this.


  7. Brown must be a very recessive color, since none of those pups appears to be brown! Love your blessings post, and your furry friends. Tsar is so fluffy, he has a special place in my heart, too; who wouldn't love a big fluffball?

  8. Once again another lovely post. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in our hectic lives that we fail to see how many blessings we have. Sometimes I just sit for a while a look around me and give thanks for all that is in my life. I am indeed blessed too.

  9. Sue, I love this post! I may try to do a blanket as soon as I finish the hat for my son who is going as Waldo for this year's Halloween party. I'm almost done and I think making a blanket would be fun. I will share this idea with my knitting friends too. I think they'd be up for this great cause.

    It is so hard to lose our furbabies - I don't think you every truly get over them but it does help to know that I don't believe heaven will be devoid of animals. I think they will all be there waiting for us. How could heaven be considered perfect if they weren't....

    Take care. Monty and my Ceili I'm sure became fast friends from the get-go. I wondered why she came into my life only to lose her so soon but I believe there were many lessons in patience learned...

    Yes, we do have many blessings...

  10. Sue, what a wonderful post! You literally brought tears to my eyes. I am sure it will inspire all of us to stop and count our blessings too!

  11. What a beautiful post, Sue! Sounds like you are so blessed having Rob and your furry friends!=)


  12. What a great post. It's always important to sit back and think about the things that REALLY matter.

    Best of luck to you and Fudge. I hope you'll have pictures and video to share.

    P.S. I absolutely love the Porti girl in my class. After Marge got snarky with her the other day, I left Marge with my sister and went over and started loving on the big goof with lots of pats and scritches. Now I know why you've got so many of them - I love the feeling of that coat.

  13. Such a nice post! Thanks for sharing.

  14. That was such a beautiful post - the depth of your love is so obvious. Mom will try to take on that blanket challenge. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  15. What a sweet entry. I love those puppy pictures, never get enough of them.

  16. I love that Rob has become the dog dad. I have children and we still treat the dogs as if they are our children.

    Lovely post - it's amazing, when you count it up how blessed we are, no? g

  17. What a wonderful post!
    Mom needs to check out the blankie link.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. A lovely post Sue, you are a very caring person including your husband.Well done both of you. Julie.c
