Friday, June 25, 2010

The Portuguese Team


This is the Portuguese soccer team that is in South Africa competing for the World Cup.

There is another Portuguese soccer team in Springfield that is playing for a handful of treats.

This is how we start the game. The referee tosses out the ball.

Then the team takes over, chasing the ball and trying to keep it from the opponents.

After each goal, the referee gets their attention for another round of play.

The competition is strong and sometimes a player goes down while handling the ball.

How satisfying to score.

Are we ready?

This is a very intense game for these Portuguese players.

The girls are in position.

Samba has control of the ball.

Norma Jean is ready.

She has it and she's not giving it up.

Morgan may not be Portuguese, but she's certainly a tough competitor.

Hands aren't allowed, but can you carry the ball in your mouth? Who has a rule book handy?

Samba performs some fancy footwork. She's really into this game. It must be in her genes.

Tess steals the ball and is trying to score with it.

Samba gets it back.

Game over. Bailey, the goalie is resting in the shade with the ball and the mascot, her monkey by her side.

Samba was definitely the MVP, most valuable Portie, in the game. She played well for a dog with paralysis in her face. She even managed to carry the ball around a few times.

Our team had fun and were all winners. We wish the very best of luck to the other Portuguese soccer team.


  1. What a lovely post. I'm so glad to see that Samba is able to carry the ball around. It must make you swell. :) g

  2. Hey there Guys
    You have all put up a wonderful advertisement for the Soccer Game this evening....we will be watching with acute interest as there is a HUGE Portuguese following here in SA. Its interesting to note the temperature differences at the various stadiums this evening. You guys will be in the 20's (Centigrade) whiles the games here near us will be freezing!!!

    Good luck for this evening and thank you for another fabulous post and for continually flying the "Unity and Diversity" flag. You are stars!
    Sending lotsaluv

  3. hi puppers--what fun~!
    say, can i be your cheerleader?? :)


  4. Looks like a VERY EXCITING game! Don't know about the mouth carry; but no red card so it must be allowed.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. You guys really are a team! There are sure enough of you! Nice soccer game, guys!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Too bad you could not make it to South Africa. You would have swept the competition.


  7. WooHoo!! Great game!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Great post! I like your team! Have a fun weekend!

  9. Girl power! Go, Samba! What a fun post.

  10. I would totally cheer for your soccer team. Is their coach, by chance, the smartest creature on the planet because she can open the refrigerator? (That line was pricelessly funny!)

  11. What lovely pic's of the gang! What fun to have their own soccer game. I am so happy to see and hear that Samba is doing well.. way to go little girl!

  12. Now THAT is the kind of soccer game I can really get into!

    Emma Rose

  13. Bet Samba's great participation made you happy. Looks like lots of fun at your place.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  14. what a fun game! we would love to play soccer ball with you. i, Bailey, am a soccer pro. i have some amazing moves. it looks like you pups have some pawtastic moves too. it would be great to play together.


    ps - Benson cheats

  15. Beautiful post! What a great game! You did very well Samba! You guys are a great team!

  16. Looks like you all had a great soccer game of your own!!

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three

  17. I was up and out of my seat, cheering on the players in black. (Well, I sort of shifted in my seat.)

  18. Go, team! They all deserve to be Most Valuable Pups! :)

  19. That was a most excitewing a nd wondewful game..all you powtoogese playews (and even the nonpowty one) awe spiwited and clevew and sooo skillful.
    If the othew powtoogese team is anywhewe neaw as good as you they'll win fow suwe!

    smoochie kisses
    pee ess..cawwying the ball in youw mouf is cewtainly allowed

  20. I liked the photos of your dogs playing football. My mum posted photos of me training, but I had to train alone. It looks more fun your way!
