Monday, June 28, 2010


It's summer in Missouri, hot and dry with occasional thundering cloudbursts. All last week the weatherman promised rain, but it didn't happen.

When it's 90+ degrees outside, the dogs don't want to move around much. When I can coax them out they find ways to stay cool. Morgan finds a place under a tree to enjoy a stick.

Bailey takes a stroll in the shade with her favorite toy, her stuffed monkey. She carries it everywhere with her. Usually I don't allow stuffies outdoors, but Bailey always brings hers back inside with her.

Yesterday afternoon the sky got dark and the clouds opened up. It rained so hard that for a few minutes we couldn't see the house across the street. The wildflowers in the yard appreciated the cool rain and presented us with these this morning.

I like keeping a little piece of the yard wild. It looks like a tiny meadow with lots of different flowers planted by the birds.

Nature's colors look so pretty together.

In Pennsylvania we lived next door to a young lady who was four years old. She and I would take walks down a farm road and she would point out the flowers to me. These she called 'Queens and Lace'.

When my little friend saw these growing along the road she told me they were 'Tiggey Liggies'. I liked her names for them and always think of them that way.

It seems early, but the farmers have been cutting hay already. The fields around our place have these hay rolls standing in the fields waiting to be carted away.

They go on and on. It should be good eating and nesting this winter for the livestock.

The Fleur-de-Lis is on my family coat of arms and I'm quite fond of it. I have a necklace and bracelet with the symbol. Last night I took the dogs out for their last call around 11 PM. The rain had stopped and it was slightly cooler than it has been. When I opened the back door out of the garage, look what I saw.

This fellow was resting on the door staying out of the rain dripping from the trees. I raced for my camera, but he was quite content to sit there and was still there when I took the dogs back inside and turned off the lights. He's a Clymene Moth aka the Fleur-de-Lis Moth.

Now just in case some of you are also suffering from temperatures in the 90s and above, I thought I'd show you this photo taken by my cousin.

The house on the right is hers and this is the street where I lived when I was in highschool. We usually had winters like this, though in recent years they've been milder. This was taken in February of 2007. I remember walking to school thru snow tunnels just like this and sometimes higher. Feel cooler now?


  1. It has been super warm here in Nh also, we are still waiting for some kind of rain! It has been way to hot here, the only thing the poor dogs want to do is go swimming or be sprayed down with the hose. Stay Cool!
    Your Friends at
    Life with 5 dogs

  2. It hasn't been so hot here, but we've had some gawdawful humidity. Thor sleeps with his nose on a central air vent for coolness. I think Bailey is precious with her monkey.

  3. Sweet photos. I especially liked Bailey and her monkey. Gretchen is AWFUL for taking things out (past her Dadaw) and then I have to go fetch them. Too often, I don't notice them until after a rain, and then they are permanent outdoor toys.

  4. I think that we are having the coolest temps except maybe for Alaska. It has been a bit unususl for the Spring and start of Summer to be this cool for so long... we are hoping though to get a bit warmer... just not quite so warm as some of you are having. Love that moth Sue. What a treat to see it. That is the first time I have seen one.

  5. Mom and me really likes all your pictures today. The hay bales reminds her of your neighbor to the north, Iowa. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. Count me among those who love Bailey and her monkey! So sweet!

    For right now, we are having coolish weather, starts out 65 in the morning and now its up to 69 at 2 pm. How wonderful says I!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  7. It seems like everyone is having hot humid weather, yukky. Hopefully that rain helped cool it down a bit. Those flowers sure are purrty. Your coat with arms is cool too.
    Benny & Lily

  8. hi puppers--very cool pics--especially the last one. we love how perfect the snow is. :)
    the rolls of hay remind mum of kansas (my grammy and grnapy live there.)~! ;)


  9. It's hot here in Central Texas too...Seems it is 90+ countrywide!
    (not to mentione some places in the UK)

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  10. Sue,

    I might have to copy you - I have a few great snow pictures that didn't get posted last winter - we might need a cooling day tomorrow.

  11. It's far too hot and humid here as well...

  12. It's nice to be reminded of what summer looks like, when it is wet, cold and often raining where I live.

  13. Ahhh... snow! I LOVE snow!!!!!

    Stay cool out there!


  14. a marshmallow world in winter..... I don't even want to think on it this soon..... we are just getting some warm days finally......but, oh., the mosquitoes!

  15. We don't liek to do anything outside at all when it is this hot. Last night we finally had a break in the humidity. TD and Ciara did zoomies all over the yard and Phantom took up his position on the hill surveying the territory. It was nice to have a pleasant evening.

    That flying fleur-de-lis that came to you was so special.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  16. We're having highs over 90 and the humidity must be almost that high, too. They keep promising thunder storms by nothing really happens. Oppressive is how it feels.

    wags, Lola

  17. Well, it's cold here. After the morning walk the typists fingers were too numb to make comments. We're waiting for it to warm up a bit before heading off on another walk. Love the pictures....don't think we could handle the snow, though.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  18. I love youw wild flowews and thank you fow the cooling snowy pictoowe.
    We've een soopew hot and hoomid hewe, I think Mowgan and Bailey awe awfully clevew to find that nice shade to welax in
    smoochie kisses

  19. I am sure all of you would enjoy some sunny days even though its real warm. Before you know it.. it will be winter again :)

    We have summer all year round... and during the first quarter, it is worse... we just drip away with sweat and lose many pounds without even trying :)

    Hope your eyes are healing well Sue and hope Samba is getting much better too. Have a nice nice summer :D

  20. We just love that last picture! It's making us feel a wee bit cooler!
    Mom loves the blue chicory! It's such a pretty wildflower!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  21. Thank you for the inspirational snow photo. One can only dream. Sigh. Stay cool water dog pals.


  22. I've never heard of a Fleur-de-Lis Moth! Thanks for snapping that photo. Very hot, very humid here, but you just reminded me that back in January I was begging for summer... I am never satisfied!

  23. Woof! Woof! It sure is SUMMER. it's been hot n humid but we're having a short break from it. Lovely photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  24. what beautiful photos of summer! Love the flowers and Bailey carrying her stuffed toy about. :)


  25. Beautiful pictures. glad I found you on Pet Blog Hop.
