Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What Do You Think?

I need your opinion.

If a group of otters is called a romp.

A group of frogs is called an army.

A group of meadowlarks is an exaltation.

A group of blue jays is a scold.

A group of baboons is a congress. (Think about that one.)

A group of giraffes is a tower.

A group of leopards is a leap.

A group of magpies is a tiding.

A group of squirrels is a scurry.

A group of butterflies is a rabble.

A group of hippos is a crash.

A group of weasels is a sneak.

A group of hedgehogs is a prickle.

A group of hummingbirds is a charm.

A group of peacocks is an ostentation.

A group of lizards is a lounge.

A group of possum is a passel.

A group of bees is a flight.

A group of woodpeckers is a descent.

A group of crows is a murder.

A group of jellyfish is a smack.

A group of kangaroos is a mob.

A group of ducks is a paddle.

Then what is a group of Portuguese Water Dogs?

I vote for a splash.
Do you have any other ideas?

See a long list of these collective nouns here.


  1. I had a smile on my face looking at the photos,
    I would call it a "Puddle of Portuguese Water Dogs"
    See Yea George xxx

  2. what a pawsome post~! :D
    i say a group of portuguese water dogs is a CURL. :)


  3. What a wonderful list - we loved the congress one:)

    How about a "Wave"?

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. That was an awesome post! I learned a lot! Thanks, my brain needed that!

  5. How about a waggle of Porties? Enjoyed the post....especially the congress. Which came first...the baboons or the government?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  6. I loves Luna's idea.....A curl!

    Grreat post.....'cept for that possum one! Dem possums gives me many creeps!


  7. We were going to say curl too!
    What a fun post!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. That is a tough question! I've always said a "Glad" of Goldens, but don't know what to call yours!


  9. I like George's idea. A puddle! LOL!

    I hope you are coming to our Hawaii party. Hope to see you there!

  10. That was so interesting. There were a few in there we didn't know. Like lizards and lounge. Now "lounge lizard" makes more sense but we had no idea. There are so many good ideas here. I like all of them - splash, curl, puddle wave, waggle, et al - all would work.

    wags, Lola

  11. Congress - BOL!!!

    I think I have to agree with the OP Pack on this one - Wave.

  12. Why, it's a Puddle of Porties, of course.

  13. Why a posse of Porties, of course!
    Actually my first thought was a group of PWDs would be called a challenge.

  14. I likes Curl or Wave!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  15. I like Puddle - just because most of the others start with the same letter - there's a word for that, but it escapes my tired brain.

    I have a cry of hounds - exception to the rule! g

  16. a storm? a puddle? Oh lady, homework? yuk
    Benny & Lily

  17. a group of portuguese water dogs is a lotta licks and woofs :D

  18. Love this post! The baboons made me laugh. I like a puddle of PWD's as well. It fits quite nicely!

  19. Love the post! I didn't know they had such great descriptions for such groups.

    I'm in favour of waggle of PWDs.


  20. How about a whole lotta love! Great post!

  21. I'm loving puddle, but splash is a better fit for your active group!

  22. We vote for your group to be called "Trouble"!! Just kidding! HEHEHEHE!!!

  23. Really enjoyed this post. I like "splash" or "puddle."

  24. i think this is a very clever post. my vote is simple: a lotsalove of portuguese dogs

  25. we think a group of any kind of dogs is WONDERFUL.

